Orange County NC Website
V. Appointment of CFE liaison to Wastewater Treatment Monitoring Program Committee <br /> Stancil led a discussion noting that in a past meeting Ron Holdway and Rosie Summers presented their <br /> recommendations on this program . It is unknown exactly how and whether the Commissioners will propose <br /> funding for this , but it may be some interest in partially beginning this year. There is also interest in revising the <br /> program to take into account funding and the funding equity concerns that were raised here . Holdway indicated that <br /> there is going to be a committee of staff and Board of Health members and other citizens that will be meeting in <br /> another month, short term duration, to take a look at the program, and make some recommendations, before it <br /> comes back again . The CEF has been offered the opportunity to have a liaison in that effort. Fortmann asked when <br /> is it going to start? Stancil replied that it may be the end of April or early May . A question was raised about <br /> existing liaisons and Stancil noted that Richard Pratt is liaison to Water Resources Committee and Loraine Kohorn <br /> is liaison to Master Parks & Recreation Work Group . Lidh and Fortmann would be willing to coordinate on sharing <br /> duties . Staff will report on meeting schedule . <br /> VI. Update — Nuclear Waste Storage Pools at Shearon Harris <br /> Stancil started the following discussion by noting that he had limited new information, but would fill the CFE in on <br /> what information was known . A special meeting of the County Commissioners — called the Regional Forum was <br /> held last week at the Chapel Hill Town Council Chambers , with about 125 people attending . Attendees heard from <br /> both David Lochbaum with Union of Concerned Scientists and Consultant Dr . Gordon Thompson followed by a <br /> panel discussion including two CFE members that are here tonight, Richard Pratt and Dr . Earl Fowler. There was a <br /> good bit of discussion at the forum with questions from the audience and from the elected officials . A broad range <br /> of elected officials was present from Guilford, Durham, Chatham, Lee counties , and other regional governments had <br /> members present. Many concerns and questions were raised. CP&L ' s attorney was a member of the panel . Stancil <br /> added that there is at least a tentative agreement that the pre-hearing conference will be held here in North Carolina <br /> rather than in Maryland during the week of May 10th Wednesday, May 12' as a possible date for that. The <br /> location was unknown at this time . He added that this is not a public hearing, but an opportunity for the Nuclear <br /> Regulatory Commission to consider the concerns that have been raised and make decisions about that and CP&L ' s <br /> response . <br /> Pratt noted that one of his questions had more to do with an impact statement/study of the site similar to PSFAR <br /> (Preliminary Safety Final Analysis Report) , and, stated that since the storage rods were not ever intended to be a full <br /> time storage facility, it was a temporary situation, that there ought to be some means by which a more thorough <br /> impact statement should be conducted. Pratt continued that, after the meeting he was approached by CP&L ' s <br /> regulatory engineer, John Caves who will send information of some reports they have . Pratt continued that they <br /> (CP&L) heard what the concerns were, and need to demonstrate that they ' ve looked at this and that it' s not just a <br /> little addition they ' re going to do, and include a full impact study . <br /> Price asked if people would be allowed to comment at the pre-hearing . Stancil replied that he didn ' t know if there <br /> ill be an open meeting and that basically it is a consideration of <br /> would be any comments taken, but suspect it w <br /> Orange County ' s contentions and CP&L ' s response . <br /> Pratt added he had researched through the NBC ' s web site to see if there ' s any type of documentation with regard to <br /> doing studies on using the storage pools for permanent or even temporary storage of the rods , and there isn ' t much <br /> at all . Fortmann asked why Wake County is not more interested? Pratt responded that he thought that most <br /> governmental agencies defer to the NRC . They look to the federal agency , to being the number one and, if they ' re <br /> not concerned, it ' s ok with them . Stancil noted that he would pass more information along as it ' s received. <br /> VI. Update — Master Recreation and Parks <br /> Stancil noted that the Joint Master Recreation & Parks Work Group have been meeting about a year now . It is a <br /> very broad and large group with representatives from all the local elected boards including Hillsborough, Duke <br /> Forest & UNC, OWASA, and the School Boards . Their charge is to update the Master Recreation & Parks Plans , <br /> but they also been asked to look into other areas , such as joint capital funding of new park facilities and acquisition <br /> of land . That is one of the reasons Kohorn thought it would be good to get more up to speed with this effort as it ties <br /> in the Resource Acquisition Program that the CFE will be developing . Stancil is now involved in this effort as well <br /> to ensure that what this group comes up with is folded into the RAP and that both are consistent. <br /> Pratt asked if Stancil had any contact with the Triangle Conservancy in its regard to the acquisition of the Johnston <br /> Tract? Stancil answered that there has been some discussion and described the property . <br /> G : \CAROL\CFEMIN\CFE442 . DOC 2 <br />