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ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> DRAFT Summary of Meeting April 12 , 1999 <br /> Held in Orange County Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill , NC <br /> (Prepared by Carol Crawford, Admin Asst. , Orange County ERC Department) <br /> Members Present : . Roy Fortmann, Rosalinda Lidh, Kris Price, Richard Partt, Annette Jurgelski . <br /> Excused Absences : Loraine Kohorn, Lee Rafalow, Dan Okun, Jane Sharp -Mac Rae, William Glaze . <br /> Guests : Dr. Earl Fowler, County Resident. <br /> Staff Present : David Stancil, Director, Department of Environment and Resource Conservation ; Adhir Kackar, <br /> Planner I , Carol Crawford, ERCD Admin . Assist . <br /> I. Call to Order <br /> Vice Chair Roy Fortmann, called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 p .m . <br /> II. Consideration of Additions of Changes to the Agenda <br /> Additions to the Agenda: <br /> 1 . Proposed draft CFE Resolution on a Recommendation that Orange County Establish a Committee to Research a <br /> Plan for the Use of Alternative Fueled Vehicles , Improved Fleet Maintenance, and/or Reduction of Vehicle <br /> Miles Traveled to Reduce Source Emissions From the County ' s Vehicle Fleet , <br /> 2 . CFE Objectives for l / l /99 — 6/30/200 . <br /> III. Approval of March 8, 1999 minutes <br /> Fortmann noted that, as there wasn ' t a quorum, a vote couldn ' t be taken on approval of March 8 , 1999 minutes , and <br /> solicited changes for April . There were no suggested changes noted. <br /> IV. Discussion of the Proposed Resolution . <br /> Fortmann reported that Shape-Mac Rae had been working on a plan for alternative fueled vehicles , and that the Air <br /> Quality Committee had wanted to submit an application for a grant to the state . Sharpe-Mac Rae worked hard on it <br /> and on getting the background information . After looking at it, Fortmann indicated that he realized how naive we <br /> really were . To do something like that, the group needs to have the County Manager and the Public Works Fleet <br /> Maintenance involved in it. This is something beyond what Sharp -Mac Rae and Fortmann could coordinate . The <br /> draft resolution asks the County Commissioners to request from the County Manager the establishment of a <br /> committee that will take the next level of action to try to get a plan together for either alternative fueled vehicles or <br /> improved fleet maintenance , generally things that will include reducing emissions . The members present suggested <br /> that this (see attachment A) be sent to the CFE members and act on it at the next meeting . <br /> Stancil suggested that after the CFE looks at it and adopts it, the County Manager could ask the already formed <br /> Ozone Action Team to handle this . The Ozone Air Quality group consists of Stancil, transportation planner and <br /> Paul Thames, County Engineer, possibly expanding to include some members from this group and possibly other <br /> departments . Price asked if anyone knew the fleet size for the county . Fortmann indicated that information hasn ' t <br /> been researched . Fortmann continued that Chapel Hill did get their grant application for alternative sources, a <br /> rather large expenditure at over $ 100 , 000 . And added that it ' s not a small matter to try to do an alternative fueled <br /> vehicles grant application . Initially when Sharpe-Mac Rae started doing research there were agencies within the <br /> county who could use alternative fueled vans . The Public Works Department was actually opposed to the <br /> alternative fueled vehicles, with concerns about maintenance . It was agreed that the CFE should build some <br /> consensus on the need for this . <br /> G : \CAROL\CFEMIMCFE4- 12 . DOC 1 <br />