<br /> COMMON GROUND VOL . 11y7�2 NO . APR1L-JUNE 2001
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<br /> Plum Creek Timber Co . ( 206 / 467- 3600 , 0 Simpson Timber Co . ( 360 / 426 - 3381 ,
<br /> TV%rWw . plumcreek . com ) , the Fish and Wildlife w1Arw1 . s1mpson . com ) has developed a first~
<br /> Service and the National Marine Fishers Ser- ever habitat conservation plan for its timber
<br /> vice recently signed the largest aquatic habi - holdings on Washington ' s Olympic Penin -
<br /> tat conservation plan ever developed . The sula that also addresses water quality re -
<br /> 30 -year conservation plan governs all timber quirements under the Clean Water Act . The
<br /> harvesting, road building and land sales on 50 - year plan covers 51 species of fish and
<br /> The plan includes 1 . 6 million acres of company land in Mon- wildlife on 262 , 000 acres of company land . It
<br /> tana , Idaho and Washington . The plan, three governs all of Simpson ' s timber harvesting,
<br /> point - system - years in development, presents a conserva - road construction and maintenance and sil-
<br /> based incentives tion strategy for 17 species of native trout, vicultural activities . Because of the land ' s
<br /> to reward Plum steelhead, salmon and whitefish, eight of extensive water resources , the plan focuses
<br /> Creek for which are endangered . It is the first habitat habitat conservation activities for the 30
<br /> conservation plan to address both cattle aquatic species on reducing sediment runoff
<br /> conservation grazing and forest management . The plan from roads and unstable slopes . The road
<br /> . includes point- system-based incentives to program calls for upgrading upstream roads
<br /> land sales
<br /> reward the company for conservation land first and removing those that deliver too
<br /> sales and " fish- friendly " easements if Plum much sediment to streams . As an example,
<br /> Creek sells land for residential development . the company said that one road , built in the
<br /> After the plan was signed , the Fish and late 1950s , contributed 10 , 000 cubic yards of
<br /> Wildlife Service gave Montana a $5 million sediment to North Mountain Creek before it
<br /> matching grant under its habitat conserva - was decommissioned in 1997 .
<br /> tion plan acquisition program to help the
<br /> state obtain a conservation easement on 2 The Coca - Cola Co . has joined the Nam
<br /> seven miles of Plum Creek ' s riverfront land tional Geographic Society,. The Conserva -
<br /> to protect the threatened bull trout . tion Fund and five other nonprofit groups to
<br /> launch an educational initiative to raise
<br /> in New research suggests that multinational awareness about river conservation among
<br /> firms that adopt a single , stringent global en America ' s youth . Coca - Cola has agreed to
<br /> Developing vironmental standard have much higher sponsor Geography Action ! 2001 Rivers
<br /> countries that are market values than companies that default to ( www . national geographic . com / geography
<br /> tempted to adopt less stringent or poorly enforced standards action ; available mid -May ) , which will be a
<br /> lax environmel2tal in host countries . Developing countries that special focus of the society ' s annual geogra -
<br /> are tempted to adopt lax environmental phy education program that reaches 200 , 000
<br /> regulations to regulations to attract foreign investment may schools and 6 million children worldwide ,
<br /> attract foreign end up attracting poorer quality, and per- The year-long rivers program , which will in-
<br /> investment may haps , less competitive firms , according to elude river events , workshops for teachers
<br /> " Do Corporate Global Environmental Stan- and the production of related educational
<br /> end tip attracting dards Create Or Destroy Market Value ? " material, will culminate in November during
<br /> poorer quality, ( byeung@stern . nyu . edu ) which appeared in Geography Week . Partners include the Izaak
<br /> and perhaps , less the August 2000 issue of Management Science . Walton League of America , American Riv -
<br /> competitive firms . The researchers , from the business schools at ers , WaterKeeper Alliance, Trout Unlimited
<br /> the University of Michigan , University of and River Network, who joined the Fund
<br /> North Carolina at Chapel Hill and New York and the Peter Jay Sharp Foundation to form
<br /> University , found that more than half the a River Council last summer that led to the
<br /> companies ( 59 of 107) in their study adopted program ' s creation .
<br /> a stringent internal environmental standard
<br /> that they applied globally, while only 30 Professional and amateur photographers
<br /> adopted local environmental standards . have a chance to win $ 1 ,500 and possible
<br /> national exposure for their work in an
<br /> �� Corporations and communities have until outdoor photography contest sponsored
<br /> June 1 to apply for this year ' s CF Industries by Anheuser-Busch, Inc . , Busch beer and
<br /> National Watershed Awards . Since 1996 , The Conservation Fund . Photographs at
<br /> the North American cooperative has recog- any of 25 selected forests and mountain
<br /> nized leadership in protecting water re - ranges must be submitted by June 1 to be
<br /> sources through voluntary, nonregulatory eligible for the awards . For details, visit
<br /> Pair means . Call 301 / 876 - 2815 or visit www . www conservationfund . org , tyww .
<br /> conservation fund . org to obtain an applica -
<br /> abenvironment . com or www . busch . com .
<br /> tion or more information .
<br />