Orange County NC Website
CONUMON GROUND VOL . 12 NO , 3 APRIL-JUNE 2001 37 <br /> wA <br /> r` 7' 7. �: 'Z;?•,9 �r ., +'•rvr :tee`...-sR'. T u b-n . v-*=.etji rdrae <br /> Y4:o'r�� i - i fi ' •S - -- : � • ..wizi '.,...a __ _ >_,...— , _ _ t _ / ;-- -v, •_�� 4 _ ��ia��Lr...w.va3 _. s-..*_�" >.A1s�ria71.—_�<+:M�� — � .+rlms�w <br /> S M A L L <br /> What ' s Alaska worth ? By one measure , the In March, Bedford, North Andover and <br /> The Conservation Fund state ' s ecosystems provide employment for Duxbury became the first three communities <br /> Vital Statistics one in four workers in the state , generating in Massachusetts to approve a 3 % property <br /> Land protected by TCF 84 , 200 jobs and $ 2 . 26 billion in total income . tax surcharge that enables them to access <br /> and partners, 2001 : The commercial fishing and processing in- state matching funds for open space protec - <br /> Acres protected : 36 , 267 dustry generates the most ecosystem- related tion , historic preservation and affordable <br /> Est . value : $31 , 525 ,085 jobs , providing 33 , 669 direct and indirect housing . The state ' s new Community Preser- <br /> Cumulative land protected , jobs and more than $ 1 billion in total income vation Act, which became law in December <br /> 1985-2001 , by TCF and each year, according to " The Economic Im - after first being vetoed by the governor ( see <br /> partners : portance of Healthy Alaska Ecosystems , " CG 11 : 6 ) , allows voters in the state ' s 351 cit- <br /> Acres protected : ( free , 907 / 2764917, www . akcf. org) , a report ies and towns to increase property taxes up <br /> Est. value : $ 1 ,359, 611611 ,400 00 from the Alaska Conservation Foundation to 3 % , raising up to $ 200 million annually . <br /> TCF ' s three-year average written by Steve Colt, an economist at the The state provides an additional $ 26 million <br /> fund -raising cost: Institute of Social and Economic Research at annually in matching funds for municipali - <br /> 2% of total income the University of Alaska in Anchorage . Next ties who take part in the program . Nearly 30 <br /> The Conservation Fund is are tourism (25 , 512 jobs , $ 643 million in in- other communities are scheduled to vote on <br /> a 501 (c ) (3 ) nonprofit come ) , management and stewardship ( 10, 475 similar proposals in April and May , <br /> organization established to j <br /> advance land and water obs., $527 million in income ) and sport fish- <br /> conservation in America . in ( 9 , 236 jobs, $ 233 million in income ) . Voters approved $ 7 . 5 billion in spending <br /> The Fund is a member of last year to protect open space , the Land <br /> Earth Share and participates The five fastest growing states in the coun - Trust Alliance reports . Residents in 29 states <br /> in the Combined Federal try are all in the mountain West, according approved 83 % ( 174 of 209 ) of the open space <br /> Campaign as #0930 . to the new 2000 Census (www . census . gov ) . referenda on the ballot in 2000 . During the <br /> The population of Nevada grew a whopping 1998-2000 period , voters OK ' d 85 % ( 390 of <br /> Share 66 % since 1990 , to 2 million residents . Ari - 458 ) referenda that devoted $ 17 . 6 billion to <br /> O. Earth zona ( +40 % ) Colorado ( + 31 % ) , Utah ( + 30 % ) open space protection , according t " Voters ers <br /> and Idaho ( + 29 % ) rounded out the top five Invest in Open Space : 2000 Referenda Re - <br /> Conservation Leadership gainers . North Dakota ( + 0 . 5 % ) and West Vir- sults , " ( free , members ; $ 3 , others ; wwxv . lta . <br /> Courses ginia ( + 0 . 8 % ) grew the least . California org / publicpolicy / referenda2000 , htm, 202 / <br /> added 4 . 1 million residents to remain the 6384725 ) . A separate study by the Brook- <br /> Conserving Land with most populous state at 33 . 9 million . Nearly ings Institution details 553 growth-related <br /> Conservation Easements , one of every eight Americans is a Califor- measures on the November 2000 ballot . <br /> May herds, ni <br /> Shepherdstown, W . Va . an . New York ( 19 million ) lost its number Open space and recreation referenda ac- <br /> Contact Land Trust 2 spot to Texas (20 . 9 million ) . Despite more counted for 45 % of the total , followed by <br /> Alliance : 202 / 6384725 . than 8 % hikes since the 1990 census , Wyo - investments in transportation, schools , af- <br /> " Fundraising for Land ming ( 493 , 782) and Vermont ( 608 , 827) re- fordable housing and water quality ( 26 % ) , <br /> Trusts, " June 13-16, main far from the madding crowds . and growth management ( 16 % ) . California <br /> Chicago, Ill . Contact: voters faced the most growth- related ballot <br /> Land Trust Alliance : The National Governors ' Association held a questions ( 78 ) , followed by Ohio ( 69 ) , Colo - <br /> 202 / 638-4725 . " Private Lands , Public Benefits " conference rado ( 67) , and Illinois ( 55 ) , according to <br /> " Gateway Communities : in March as a first step toward developing a " Growth at the Ballot Box : Electing the <br /> Keys to Success " state - federal strategy to improve working Shape of Communities in November 2000 , " <br /> (interactive TV workshop ) , lands conservation policy . Working papers ( free, www .brook . edu / urban; 202 / 797-6139 ) . <br /> June 21 . Contacts : 703 / from the conference (www . nga . org) show- <br /> 908 -5809 ( content) ; cased the benefits of using publicly sup - Residents of DeKalb County, Ga ., voted <br /> 304 / 876- 7480 ( registrar ported working lands conservation to attain March 20 to spend $ 125 million on parks <br /> tion ) . environmental and natural resource objec- and open space in the suburban Atlanta <br /> tives beyond those achieved through acquisi- county . Vernon Jones , the county ' s new <br /> tion or regulation . The approach can work in CEO , had asked voters to approve the bond <br /> harmony with private landowners ' goals of to help ensure that all children in the fast- <br /> maintaining a sustainable , productive busi- growing county were within a 10 - minute <br /> ness while providing important public ben- walk of a park, trail or natural area . Most of <br /> efits , organizers said . The association will the money ( 70 % ) will be used to acquire and <br /> release a follow - up report and policy recom - protect land . The county (pop . 665 , 865 ) "rill <br /> mendations based on conference proceed - spend the remainder to renovate existing <br /> ings and input from the governors . parks and expand recreational opportunities . <br />