CFE 040802
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 040802
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Last modified
1/7/2019 3:06:40 PM
Creation date
1/7/2019 2:55:45 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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�A <br /> Iv . Review - Evaluation of OWASA Mitigation Lands <br /> Stancil noted that a report prepared for the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group ( IPWG ) <br /> was included in the CFE agenda packet . Over the last few months the IPWG has been <br /> interested in looking at the possibility of someday using some of the OWASA owned land in <br /> Bingham Township for parks and recreational purposes . OWASA has indicated a willingness <br /> to consider , on a site - by - site basis , the provision of parklands provided the intended uses <br /> would not compromise water quality in Cane Creek Reservoir or the Authority ' s ability to <br /> have sufficient land for biosolids application . The IPWG created an OWASA Lands <br /> Subcommittee to evaluate the potential use of OWASA lands for public park purposes . The <br /> so - called " Mitigation Tract " may provide one such opportunity . As the property has a <br /> natural resource component , Stancil asked Shaw to review the report for the CFE . <br /> Shaw described the 490 - acre Mitigation Tract , located between Buckhorn Road and Mt . <br /> Willing Road in Bingham Township . The site is located outside of the watershed critical area <br /> and is not needed for biosolids application . OWASA purchased the tract in 1982 to help <br /> compensate for the loss of wildlife habitat resulting from the creation of Cane Creek <br /> Reservoir . The acquisition was a condition of the federal permit to construct the reservoir . <br /> The staff analysis of this property focused on the potential use of the property for a park <br /> site that would be compatible with OWASA 's ( and the County ' s ) interest in protecting the <br /> rural character and hence the water quality in Cane Creek watershed . The Mitigation Tract <br /> is part of a proposed network of wildlife corridors and " rustic woodland trails " that would <br /> link Cane Creek to the Eno River system . The large size and high quality of this nearly <br /> unfragmented tract makes it a significant wildlife habitat . A large portion of the property <br /> was identified in a 1999 study as a core area for wildlife in Orange County . As parkland , the <br /> site would continue to further County goals of protecting key open space lands within Cane <br /> Creek watershed , identify prime forest/ wildlife habitat and the rural character of Bingham <br /> Township . <br /> Unlike other properties evaluated by the Lands Legacy program , this tract does not need to <br /> be acquired for protection . OWASA purchased the site to protect its conservation values , <br /> including watersheds protection value and high - quality wildlife habitat . The issue now is <br /> whether to make all or a portion of the tract available for public recreation and , if so , for <br /> what kinds of uses . Shaw reviewed initial findings , unresolved issues and an assessment of <br /> the tract using adopted criteria for evaluating potential parkland acquisition . CFE members <br /> discussed pros and cons of the property being used for recreational purposes as well as <br /> being left undisturbed as is and raised questions regarding possibility of existing covenants <br /> or other legal status implications such as management issues and game land provisions . <br /> Stancil noted that that this project was identified in the Annual Action Plan for the Lands <br /> Legacy program and is consistent with a Parks & Recreation Advisory Council objective of <br /> establishing a park in Bingham Township . Stancil mentioned that there may a requirement <br /> that the site be open for hunting . He discussed a Mecklenburg County park that is closed <br /> for a certain amount of time while hunting goes on to meet an obligations to provide <br /> hunting on the property . The Mitigation Tract is probably not conducive to active recreation <br /> ( i . e . , playing fields ) , but might serve well for nature / hiking trails/ picnic areas and other low <br /> impact recreation uses . <br /> Staff was asked if is there a compelling reason to promote low impact recreation rather than <br /> just leaving it as open space . Stancil said driving reasons are coming from a parks and <br /> recreation standpoint because there is an identified need for parks in Bingham Township . <br /> Shaw reported that biologist Bruce Sorrie will evaluate the Mitigation Tract as part of his <br /> investigation of new sites for consideration in the update to the County ' s inventory of <br /> natural areas and wildlife habitat . <br /> Draft Summary 3 / 11 /02 Page 2 of 4 <br />
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