CFE 031201
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 031201
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Last modified
1/7/2019 2:55:45 PM
Creation date
1/7/2019 2:53:05 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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03 <br /> from other sources rather than driving forest landowners to converting their <br /> land to agricultural or residential development . <br /> Gaertner discussed the importance of different tree species , and how some <br /> species are more valuable for wildlife food sources . He discussed the <br /> differences between softwood ( pine ) and hardwood species . Gaertner said <br /> that early succession species ( pines ) are favored after land is abandoned <br /> from agriculture or after a clear cutting . He noted that Jean Earnhardt 's <br /> property has a 30 - acre tract of pine that was planted in an former farm field <br /> and also pine that has resulted from the early 1900s when pastures and fields <br /> were abandoned . Pine can also valuable for certain wildlife . Mature pines <br /> ( age 20 or more ) produce cones and seeds . The top two on the list for <br /> wildlife , oak and pine , are also the two most valuable for lumber . <br /> Gaertner said that clear - cutting of timber and replanting with pines should <br /> not be stopped , but it should be avoided in some cases . It 's better than <br /> converting those lands to other uses . We don 't want forest regulations to <br /> force landowners to sell their land to developers rather than maintaining the <br /> property . <br /> Gaertner noted that the forest landowners , loggers , and timber consultants <br /> are not making a lot of money . The building suppliers and builders <br /> themselves are making the larger profits . If we want the landowner and <br /> logger to do better harvesting , we should be willing to pay more for a house <br /> and pass along an extra $ 1000 to the logger and landowner . Gaertner <br /> suggested assisting the landowners that opt for selective cutting with good <br /> forestry advice and offer some type of monetary incentives . <br /> C h a rt 0. A verage House - L umber <br /> Average 2 , 000 - sq . - ft . house has 16 , 904 board feet of lumber . <br /> ( equivalent to 4 1 / 2 truck loads of lumber ( 18 - wheel truck ) ) <br /> Cost of house to consumer ( homeowner ) = $ 200 , 000 <br /> Land / timber owner receives ( at max ) $ 5 , 000 <br /> Sawmill sells it for $ 10 , 000 to building supplier ( e . g . , Lowes/ Home Depot ) <br /> Logger receives $ 1 , 440 from sawmill <br /> Logger 's net profit after expenses = $ 40 for the house <br /> Draft CFE 2 / 12/01 Minutes Page 2 of 6 <br />
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