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<br /> Turtle, from page 1 the state to expand its crane habitat . In Janu-
<br /> On St . Croix in the Virgin Islands , the ary, the Fund will transfer the 2,400 -acre Many thanks to these
<br /> Fund transferred two 10- acre tracts to the tract at Smith Bend to the state . " In addition recent donors to the
<br /> Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge, in- to providing critical habitat for the cranes COMMON GROUND
<br /> eluding 600 feet of prime waterfront nesting and other migratory birds, these properties Research Fund .
<br /> beaches . The refuge is considered to be one are benefiting these rural areas economically Dorothy Blumner
<br /> of the most important nesting areas for through increased tourism from bird watch- Peter Cooper
<br /> leatherback turtles in the world . ing, " said Rex Boner of the Fund ' s Georgia William Decamp
<br /> Ross Dring
<br /> office ( 770 / 414- 0211 ) . " TCF is glad to assist John Dunkle
<br /> 3 By mid-February, The Conservation Fund the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Christopher Graham
<br /> expects to complete the transfer of 150 acres and local communities in meeting these con- Charles Haberlein
<br /> lich
<br /> in Indian River County, Fla . , to the Fish and servation and economic objectives , " Michaell Huxley
<br /> Ralph uxle
<br /> y
<br /> Wildlife Service to insulate Pelican Island Judith McCandless
<br /> National Wildlife Refuge from encroaching 0 The state of Delaware recently acquired Madelen McIntosh
<br /> development . President Theodore Roosevelt 1 ,519 acres of open space and conservation Letitia Morris
<br /> created the nation ' s first wildlife refuge at easements on 4,283 acres mostly in the Ra nRoseon
<br /> Pelican Island in 1903 to protect birds from Nanticoke River watershed in Sussex Ca of Swarts
<br /> feather hunters . Today, Pelican Island and County . The state paid $ 6 million for the Richard Van Frank
<br /> the surrounding waters are an important land, which The Conservation Fund held,
<br /> breeding and nesting area for brown and and the working forest easements , which the More than 335 donors
<br /> white pelicans . " The challenges facing Peli- Fund and the Glatfelter Pulp Wood Co . gave $ 15 ,980 to the coM-
<br /> can Island—particularly the spread of devel- owned . The state will monitor the easements MON GROUND Research
<br /> opment into wild areas—are symbolic of the to assure that sustainable forestry practices Fund in 2000 . Start the
<br /> new year by making a gift .
<br /> threats facing protected land throughout the are followed . Hunting also will be allowed n e need your help .
<br /> U . S . and the new challenges facing the con- on much of the easement land . Send your check c / o
<br /> servation movement, " said Matthew Sexton The Conservation Fund ,
<br /> of The Conservation Fund ' s Florida office 13 In December, President Clinton named 1800 N . Kent St. , Suite
<br /> (561 / 832-7665 ) . The new acquisitions at Peli- William deBuys, the New Mexico representa - 1120 , Arlington, VA
<br /> can Island, worth $ 10 million, are part of a tive for The Conservation Fund, as a member 22209 -21569
<br /> three-year effort by the Fund and its part- of the new Valles Caldera Trust . Congress
<br /> ners to add a 250 - acre buffer around the ref- created the trust to administer the 95, 000-
<br /> uge by its 100th anniversary . acre Baca Ranch, which the federal govern-
<br /> ment acquired last year . The ranch, now
<br /> M Two tracts in eastern Tennessee that The called the Valles Caldera National Preserve,
<br /> Conservation Fund helped protect which is part of the National Forest System ,
<br /> provide migratory habitat for sandhill cranes
<br /> may soon become a stopover for their en- M The Michigan Dune Alliance ( 312 / 332-
<br /> dangered cousins—whooping cranes . The 6293 ) has secured $ 722, 000 in start-up fund-
<br /> Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership ing to promote conservation and steward-
<br /> (bringbackthecranes . fws . g�) liF working to ship of the coastal marshes, dunes, forests The Michigan
<br /> reintroduce a migratory flock of whoopers and freshwater river systems that border Dune Alliance
<br /> east of the Mississippi River . Lake Michigan . The alliance, organized in hopes to
<br /> Researchers achieved a critical milestone 1999 with the help of The Conservation
<br /> this fall when a flock of 11 sandhill cranes Fund, hopes to implement conservation implement
<br /> followed an ultralight aircraft from Wiscon- plans over three years for 14 aquatic sites conservation
<br /> sin to the Chassahowitzka National Wildlife identified by the Nature Conservancy, an plans Over three
<br /> Refuge in Florida . The 40 - day flight was a alliance partner . The Mott Foundation
<br /> trial run for a planned migration next year ($ 600, 000 ) , Environmental Protection Agency 1J" ears for 14
<br /> that aims to reintroduce migratory whoop - ($ 72, 000 ) and the Michigan Coastal Manage- aquatic sites ,
<br /> ing cranes in the East . If the sandhill cranes ment Program ($50, 000 ) provided lead fund-
<br /> return north next spring on their own, as ex- ing for the alliance . Land trust partners
<br /> pected, researchers will train a flock of include Grand Traverse Regional Land Con-
<br /> ilar voyage . servancy, Land Conservancy of West Michi-
<br /> whoopers for a simTwo important stopovers for cranes are gan, Leelanau Conservancy, Little Traverse
<br /> the Hiwassee Wildlife Management Area Conservancy, and Southwest Michigan Land
<br /> and Smith Bend along the Tennessee River Conservancy. The Michigan Department of
<br /> in east Tennessee . A few years ago, The Con- Natural Resources, Michigan Department of
<br /> servation Fund bought a 750 - acre tract adja- Environmental Quality, National Park Ser-
<br /> cent to Hiwassee WMA and transferred it to vice and Forest Service also are partners .
<br />