Orange County NC Website
40 <br /> COMMO�,N, GROUND vOL , 12 NO . 2 JANUARY-MARCH 2O01 <br /> _k - y ; •I�ti �1�r : y'l !ta:J ' .i ' iy-. ' L !'. " - i�i'R `{s tt _ i __ . .+f , � �5;r r� '.V..4, _ IIA.i• Y6 . {S _ �y _ F". — ' <br /> _ - Wr ,: � .i .. , - - �'- fir : i ! - - .'I.v[; • 5 t- s` s :a R . . ,i ate . y'a ' n � v - 'h-4 4!r' (� - �ja �'J_:. - )!'• �, tx. ; �i 1 <br /> Bush , from page 1 the Department of Agriculture from 1984- <br /> state and local governments more of the 1985 , She then moved to the Interior Depart- <br /> power that the federal government now ment, where she was associate solicitor for <br /> wields . Conservationists will anxiously wait conservation and wildlife from 1985-87 , <br /> to see how Bush' s ideas are implemented as In 1990 , she was elected Colorado attor- <br /> federal policy over the next four years . ney general, winning reelection in 1994 . She <br /> Bush ' s nominee to implement natural re- lost to Sen . Wayne Allard in 1996 in the <br /> source policy was unexpected . Attorney Gale Republican Senate primary . In 1999 , she <br /> Norton, 46, started her law career in the late joined Brownstein, Hyatt & Farber, a Denver <br /> 1970s at the Mountain States Legal Founda - law firm , <br /> tion, the property rights group in Denver . Described as smart and politically <br /> In 1981 , President Reagan tapped the found. savvy, Norton has one thing going for her <br /> ation' s president, James Watt, to run the that Watt didn' t—a Republican Congress . If <br /> Interior Department . He resigned two years she and her boss try to open the Arctic ref- <br /> later amid controversy . uge to drilling, she could offset some of the <br /> After four years at the foundation, political heat by championing Bush ' s request <br /> Norton went to Washington, where she ' for full funding of the Land and Water Con- <br /> served as assistant to the deputy secretary at servation Fund . <br /> i d5 "i!' . 'e i.y i a L't, � �c .} i 1 {j., :f+? . :.Ei i, f: 't •. if 1 .` t i ' S 4i f ; �i <br /> � r :}'.w i .rt. { .`'ct 1. ' 'f' n'r ,%7- 'Y. . `.:•; R " a 5 , aaT i '. � _ t i . . <br /> t . ,a . ! <br /> President - elect George W. Bush : In His Own Words <br /> M Below are excerpts from a speech given by servation easements receive a tax credit . <br /> President- elect Bush on June 1 , 2000 , . at Lake In all these efforts , we see the future of <br /> Tahoe, Nev . conservation . What is the federal role ? To <br /> provide the scientific and financial resources <br /> The federal government has a crucial to help states, local communities and private <br /> role to play in conservation . At its best, the landowners preserve land and wildlife . To <br /> federal government can lend support to local provide flexibility, decentralization arid <br /> and state conservation efforts . The federal positive incentives to involve more Ameri- <br /> government should cooperate in the effort to cans in the responsibility of conservation . <br /> preserve the beauty of Lake Tahoe . I will seek to fully fund the Land and <br /> We have a national consensus about the Water Conservation Fund—to its authorized <br /> "' We have a importance of conservation . Problems arise level of $ 900 million. I will propose that half <br /> national when leaders reject partnership and rely on of those funds be devoted to state and local <br /> consensus about the power of Washington—on regulations, conservation . <br /> penalties and dictation from afar . Of that $900 million, I will ask that $50 <br /> the importance of We have seen millions of acres of land million help states set up Landowner Incen- <br /> conservatZon . declared off-limits and designated national tive Programs, s.; . .....:ar to ours in Texas . And <br /> —President-elect Bush monuments . We have seen a steady decline $ 10 million for a Private Stewardship Pro- <br /> in funding for the state and local component gram—making grants to individuals and <br /> of the Land and Water Conservation Fund . groups engaged in private conservation. <br /> It' s time to build conservation partner- I will seek an additional tax incentive to <br /> ships between the federal government and encourage private conservation . Under my <br /> state governments , local communities and proposal, the seller would receive a 50 % <br /> private landowners . break on a capital gain if the land is sold for <br /> Nearly 10 million acres in Texas are un- conservation purposes . <br /> der wildlife management plans . Under our Finally, I will ask Congress to abolish <br /> Private Lands Enhancement Program, Texas the death tax . This tax often leaves citizens <br /> provides technical assistance to landowners with no choice but to sell farmland or open <br /> who want to make conservation a priority . space to developers to meet their tax bill— <br /> In Wyoming, revenue from the sale of wild- when they would much rather pass it along <br /> life permits goes to funding youth-led con- for future generations to enjoy . <br /> servation projects . The demands of development have <br /> Utah has partnered with private land- sometimes been harsh on the natural world <br /> � Y x owners and conservation groups to protect and its inhabitants . But it need not be so—if <br /> J the watershed of a 7, 000 - acre working ranch . we bring to conservation the same vision <br /> In Colorado, landowners who donate con- and ingenuity we bring to development . <br />