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38 <br /> COMMON GROUND VOL, 12 NO . 2 JANUARY-MARCH 2O01 <br /> r ._} . t -c` '.; � y� ". iF fit•. a .k,ti : '� . 1 ' -�..+, :�'.� �..`, � <br /> x . _ - I , 1 �'i•. r s+ ' r ,'\ l �i1. -�r � '� ' S�,tu��' � ' �? r1 +F� - .+`> , '4 r �:. . ' S Z• ,�a rs ,- ,�. ' �'-4 <br /> -=• - iu • . '.c d , _ .� �• fin .- . 4 <br /> S M A L L <br /> Only Maine harvests its forests faster than Landowners sell 2 . 6 million acres of timber <br /> The Conservation Fund they grow in the 33 -million acre region and 1 . 4 million acres of forestland annually <br /> Vital Statistics known as the Northern Forest . Manufactur- to pay estate taxes . Developers buy 350 ,000 <br /> Land protected by TCF ing jobs in the forest-product sector provide acres annually as a result, says John Greene, <br /> and partners, 2000 : some of the higher salaries in the region . The a Forest Service researcher . Paying off estate <br /> Acres protected: 580 ,474 " Northern Forest Wealth Index " ( $ 15, 603 / taxes is one factor driving fragmentation of <br /> Est. value : $238 ,018,9847 229 - 0679 , www . northernforest . org) , recently private forests in the U . S . , attendees were <br /> Cumulative land protected, published by the Northern Forest Center, told at the Forest Fragmentation Conference <br /> 1985-2000, by TCF and brings together data on 39 indicators of re- held in Annapolis , Md . , in September . <br /> partners : gional wealth in five categories—commu- Among the recommendations to slow frag- <br /> Acres protected : 2, 858, 151 nity, culture , economy, education and the mentation : Change estate tax rules and other <br /> Est. value : $ 1 ,329,400, 848 environment . The study attempts to identify government policies that favor development <br /> TCF ' s three-year average the core assets and values that contribute to over holding land in private forests, and cre- <br /> fund-raising cost: the region' s overall wealth, or well-being . ate market-based approaches that pay own- <br /> 2% of total income " The center is a strong believer that long- ers for environmental values produced by <br /> The Conservation Fund is term conservation depends upon building their forests , e . g . , clean water protection, car- <br /> a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit understanding and addressing the needs of bon sequestration and air quality improve~ <br /> organization established to people just as much as the needs of nature, " ment . A 389 -page compilation of conference <br /> advance land and water said Steve Blackmer, the center ' s resident . proceedings is available for $ 50 (attendees ) , <br /> conservation in America . p p g ( ) <br /> The Fund is a member of or $ 75 ( others ) from the Sampson Group <br /> Earth Share and participates The Natural Resources Conservation Ser- (703 / 924-0773 , www . sampsongroup . com) . <br /> in the Combined Federal vice has issued a revised version of its 1997 <br /> Campaign as #0930 . National Resources Inventory (www .nhq. The state of Pennsylvania has emerged as <br /> nres . usda . gov / NRI) that cuts by 30 % the a national leader in the implementation of <br /> ". Earth Share amount of land developed between 1992 and sustainable building practices . The U . S . <br /> Green Building Council (www . us bc . or <br /> g)1997 . The original inventorY (see CG 113 ) , <br /> released in December 1999, estimated that 16 chose the state ' s first green building, an of- <br /> Conservation Leadership million acres had been developed in the fice in Harrisburg, as one of the first projects <br /> Courses 1992-1997 period, or 3 . 2 million acres a year . to receive its LEED certification, which rates <br /> New figures , which reflect a correction in buildings according to environmental per- <br /> The Practice of Environ- statistical software, drop the total to 11 . 2 mil- formance . Another Department of Environ- <br /> mentally Sensitive <br /> Development, " April 2-3 , lion acres, or 2 . 2 million acres per year . Texas mental Protection building in Ebensburg, <br /> Chicago, Ill . , and April retains the number 1 ranking in the rate of equipped with a photovoltaic array and an <br /> 19-20, Washington, D . C . , land development in the 1992-1997 period, advanced air distribution and heating sys- <br /> 800 / 321 -5011 . at 179,000 acres per year . Georgia ( 170,000 tem, has an energy consumption 60 % below <br /> " Conservation Options : acres ) , Florida ( 165, 000 acres ) , California the industry standard . Improved energy effi- <br /> The Land Protection . ( 111 , 000 acres ) and Pennsylvania ( 109, 000 ciency is a key 4': of the Governor ' s Green <br /> Toolbox," April 1-4, acres ) round out the top five . Government Council because commercial <br /> Charleston, S . C . , buildings consume 40 % of the nation' s elec - <br /> 202 / 638-4725 . The New York Parks & Conservation Asso- tricity . " Our next focus is to encourage en- <br /> " Conservation Easements ciation and the Business Council of New ergy efficient renovations and green school <br /> Stewardship , " April 20- York State have published a " Greenways buildings, " said James Self, secretary of the <br /> 22, Shepherdstown, and Trails " brochure , (518 / 434- 1583 , state ' s Department of Environmental Protec- <br /> W .Va . , 202 / 6384725 . www . nypca . org) that demonstrates the eco- tion and co-chair of the council . Visit www . <br /> " GIS Overview for Com- nomic benefits of the state ' s 700-mile trail gggc . state . pa . us / building / scrob . html or call <br /> mun <br /> Resource Conservation, " <br /> Con Natural system . Amon their findmi s Three cor o- 717 / 787-4190 for information on the ro - <br /> servation, " rate leaders in Olean—Cutco Cutlery, Dexter gram or its " Guidelines for Creating High <br /> Shephererdstdstown, W .Va . , <br /> April and Dresser-Rand—contributed $ 10 , 000 each Performance Green Buildings " or " Model <br /> 919 / 967-22239 to complete the Allegheny River Valley Trail . Green Office Leasing Specifications . " <br /> " Good recreational facilities are a critical <br /> part of the mix when recruiting employees, " <br /> said James Stitt, who heads Cutco . The bro - Beginning with this issue, COMMON <br /> { chure cites a survey of 4, 000 residents in the GROUND will be published four times a <br /> Syracuse area that found that bicycling and year—in January, April, July and Octo - <br /> walking paths are the top priorities for mak- ber—rather than bimonthly . <br /> I 9 <br /> ng the city a better place to live . <br />