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<br /> Greening the Infrastructure
<br /> ® Green infrastructure represents a new guide community, regional and statewide
<br /> approach that allows land planners and con- green infrastructure initiatives ,
<br /> servation biologists to forge a stronger link • Embrace green infrastructure as the frame-
<br /> between the use of land and its preservation . work for conservation .
<br /> • Finance the protection and management of
<br /> Planning for green infrastructure will green infrastructure as a primary public in- Linkage is the
<br /> enable communities to avoid haphazard vestment, key for Creating
<br /> conservation just as improved land use • Design and plan green infrastructure be-planning addresses poorly conce an ecologically
<br /> ived devel- fore development .
<br /> opment . Until now, many conservation • Understand that linkage is the key for viable green
<br /> efforts have been reactive, site-specific, nar- creating an ecologically viable green infra - infrastructure .
<br /> rowly focused or not well integrated with structure ,
<br /> other efforts . Smarter conservation promotes Provide an open forum to engage key part-
<br /> protection, management and resource plan- ners and create a shared green infrastructure
<br /> ping activities that are proactive, holistic, vision that excites people with diverse back-
<br /> multifunctional and multi-scale . grounds and interests .
<br /> Examples include efforts to create a • Design a green infrastructure system that
<br /> statewide greenways system in Florida and functions across multiple landscapes and
<br /> a statewide green infrastructure design in scales and is grounded in scientific and land
<br /> Maryland . Both states aim to elevate green planning theories and practices .
<br /> infrastructure closer to equal footing with Engage the public in developing a green Design a green
<br /> gray infrastructure—the roads, power lines infrastructure plan that stimulates action by inf astructure
<br /> and water systems that undergird modern all participants . S Stem thatsociety . Properly planned and developed, • Document and promote the diverse ben- Y
<br /> green infrastructure connects natural areas efits of green infrastructure , functions across
<br /> and preserves conservation lands and work- The group, led by Mark Benedict of The multiple landscapes
<br /> ing landscapes . It supports native species, Conservation Fund, is developing a course, and Scales .
<br /> maintains natural ecological processes , sus- " Green Infrastructure : A Strategic Approach
<br /> tains air and water resources and benefits for Land Conservation, " which will be taught
<br /> the health and quality of life for everyone . this year at the National Conservation Train-
<br /> To encourage planning and develop - ing Center (304 / 876- 7462) in West Virginia .
<br /> ment of green infrastructure, federal, state This article was adapted from Benedict 's
<br /> and local officials joined nonprofit groups in article, " Green Infrastructure: A Strategic Ap-
<br /> mid- 1999 to form the Green Infrastructure proach to Land Conservation , " which appeared in
<br /> Work Group (www . greeninfrastructure . net) . the October 2000 issue of PAS Memo, by the
<br /> The group has drafted eight principles to American Planning Association (312/431 -9100) .
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<br /> CF Industries Honors Watershed Partnerships
<br /> Careless Creek
<br /> 0 CF Industries has honored partnerships in 893-2765 ) , which has exceeded by 60 % its Watershed Project
<br /> Florida , Minnesota, Missouri and Montana goal of an 84- ton reduction in nitrogen enter- restored 7 miles of
<br /> with National Watershed Awards , ing the estuary , stream banks and
<br /> • Chain of Lakes Clean Water Partnership ,
<br /> CF Industries, a North American coop - Minneapolis, Minn . ( 612 / 3704900) , which re- Cut Sediment
<br /> erative, established the award in 1996 to rec- stored shoreline along four lakes and created runoff by 25 % into
<br /> ognize effective nonregulatory approaches wetland and pond systems to filter runoff. Musselshell RiveY,
<br /> to improving water quality. The Conserva- • Sugar Creek SALT Project, Bethany, Mo .
<br /> tion Fund administers the awards , which (660 / 425- 7655 ) , which helped farmers and
<br /> were presented at a ceremony Nov . 13 in ranchers plant 141 acres of vegetative filter
<br /> Washington, D . C . , attended by Agriculture strips to capture runoff nutrients .
<br /> Secretary Dan Glickman and Sen . Max • Careless Creek Watershed Project,
<br /> Baucus (D-Mont . ) . Roundup, Mont. (406 / 323-2103 ) , which re -
<br /> The winners : stored 7 miles of stream banks and cut sedi- `t
<br /> • Tampa Bay Estuary Program, Fla . ( 727 / ment runoff by 25 % into Musselshell River .
<br />