Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> ■ Provide incentives for local governments that include floodplain protection in Park and Open <br /> Space plans . <br /> ■ Provide incentives for local governments that exceed required buffers on all waterways , <br /> including greenways and wildlife corridors , within their jurisdiction . <br /> ■ Provide state matching fiends to compile regional and statewide inventories and mapping of <br /> high priority environmentally sensitive areas . <br /> ■ Encourage local governments to incorporate information about locations of threatened <br /> species , habitats , or natural areas into local land- use and open space protection plans . <br /> ■ Increase funds available to Natural Heritage Trust Fund . <br /> Objective 3E . 2 : Refine state policies to increase protection of natural areas . <br /> ■ Improve coordination of economic development with open space protection . <br /> ■ Prevent state - funded projects , including those funded by tax - credits and other assistance , <br /> from creating adverse impacts on protected open space as well as wetlands , floodplains , and <br /> other sensitive natural areas . <br /> Objective 3E . 3 : Keep beaches public and unspoiled . <br /> ■ Continue to aggressively defend the public right to the sandy oceanfront beach by <br /> maintaining the state ' s ban on hardened structures and the public right to use the beach . <br /> ■ Identify which barrier islands , or parts of barrier islands , are appropriate candidates for <br /> renouiishrnent and which are not , based upon a beach plan that is scientifically and <br /> technically defensible , and includes realistic cost estimates . <br /> ■ Develop density restrictions as well as specific public access requirements for beach <br /> communities that receive public funding for beach renounshment . <br /> ■ Develop and implement exit strategies for those beach communities where beach <br /> renounshment is not appropriate or feasible . <br /> ■ ritage , recreation , and water quality protection <br /> Existing trust funds dedicated for natural he <br /> should not be used or allocated to fund beach renounshment projects . <br /> 4 . TOOLS <br /> A . EXPAND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLEXIBILITY <br /> Objective 4A . 1 : Give local governments greater access to land - use tools . <br /> 15 <br />