Orange County NC Website
28 <br /> Develop a pilot septic tank monitoring program through the N . C . Division of Environmental <br /> Health to be possibly replicated by local governments . <br /> ■ Enhance educational programs to inform homeowners on the function and maintenance of <br /> septic tanks and non - conventional wastewater treatments systems . <br /> ■ Develop a repair fund to assist low - income individuals to pay for repair- of failing systems in <br /> water supply watersheds and sensitive coastal areas . <br /> Objective 3C . 3e. Develop measures to improve stormwater management . <br /> ■ Require vegetative buffers along all waterways in North Carolina , and mitigate to an <br /> equivalent degree any exceptions to the preservation of the buffers . <br /> ■ Ensure low tax value , as in present use value taxation , for required buffers . <br /> ■ Develop policies that eliminate loss of streams to piping and other development . <br /> ■ Adopt stormwater management plans for state - funded projects consistent with state and <br /> federal stormwater regulations . <br /> ■ Develop and implement a coordinated and comprehensive statewide stormwater management <br /> education and awareness program . <br /> ■ Encourage local governments to require stormwater management plans consistent with state <br /> and federal stormwater regulations . <br /> ■ Allow local governments to include stormwater management fees in annual tax billings , <br /> including applying unpaid fees as a lien against property . <br /> ■ Link funding for infrastructure to implemented stormwater management plans that are <br /> sufficient to meet water quality standards . <br /> Objective 3C . 4 : Wetlands protection should be strengthened . <br /> ■ Articulate statewide goal of no net loss of pristine and coastal wetlands , as defined in Section <br /> 404 of the Clean Water Act . <br /> ■ Develop accurate mapping of wetlands and a wetlands inventory tracking system . <br /> ■ Locate state - funded projects in a manner that avoid wetlands where possible or practical and <br /> requires mitigation where impacts are unavoidable . <br /> ■ Support and adequately fund the Wetlands Restoration Program , already in existence . <br /> ■ Develop the long - term capability within state government to check and monitor all lands set <br /> aside for protection . Maintenance , enforcement , monitoring should be a general requirement <br /> 13 <br />