Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> ■ Devote research funds to develop alternative crops to replace tobacco , and to finding <br /> alternative uses for the tobacco plant . <br /> ■ Support environmentally sensitive aquaculture . <br /> Objective 3A . 4 : Streamline state regulations to simplify agricultural diversification by small <br /> operators . <br /> Objective 3A . 5 : Increase participation in , and use of, Voluntary Farmland Preservation Districts . <br /> ■ Institute speed limit reduction within designated Voluntary Farmland Preservation Districts <br /> so farmers may safely move equipment on secondary public roads . <br /> ■ Waive the rollback tax on farmer- to -farmer transfer for non - linear descendants . <br /> ■ Allow easement leasing , as for 10 - year periods . (The state ' s priority funding should continue <br /> to go to property owners granting permanent easements . ) <br /> ■ Permit a local government option to forgo some taxes in exchange for short- term easement <br /> leasing , such as property tax on buildings and equipment or deferring property tax . <br /> ■ Increase protection from condemnation , such as requiring a hearing before the local <br /> agriculture board . <br /> Objective 3A . 6e. Improve the existing Present Use - Value Taxation program . <br /> ■ Establish uniform interpretation for calculating value . <br /> ■ Allow a low - impact conservation option for forestry ( county option ) . <br /> ■ Allow reduced size , but not income , to qualify under agricultural operation . <br /> ■ Waive rollback tax for all [ farmer•- to - far-mer] transfers , and provide that a purchasing farmer <br /> is immediately eligible for the use - value tax benefit . <br /> ■ Allow land protected by conservation easement to qualify for present - use value . <br /> Objective 3A . 7e, Provide funds to local governments and land trusts engaged in farmland <br /> preservation . <br /> ■ Continue to allow counties with adopted agricultural preservation plans to qualify for <br /> matching state funds for farmland protection . <br /> Objective 3A . 8 : State Responsibility . <br /> ■ Reserve part of any funding pool for projects directly sponsored by the state . (For instance , <br /> protection of farmland that meets numerous preservation criteria such as containing prime <br /> 10 <br />