Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> ■ Extend state open space protection planning to complement federal parks , forests , historic <br /> sites , wildlife refuges , military bases , and other resources . <br /> ■ Seek partnerships where appropriate to combine resources with the federal government . <br /> F . OTHER JURISDICTIONS <br /> Objective 2F . 1 : Coordinate protection efforts with tribal nations and tribes recognized by the <br /> state of North Carolina <br /> ■ Encourage development of plans to protect significant natural areas on tribal properties . <br /> ■ Offer planning support and funding incentives to develop protection strategies . <br /> ■ Seek the same protection standards upheld elsewhere in North Carolina. <br /> Objective 2F . 2e. Coordinate protection . efforts with neighboring states . <br /> ■ Stress the interconnectivity of open space , and pursue joint planning efforts . <br /> ■ Promote joint efforts based on protection of water- quality . <br /> 3 . FORMS OF OPEN SPACE <br /> A . IMPROVE FARM PRESERVATION <br /> Objective 3A . 1 : Retain and improve existing programs that strengthen the ability of farmers to <br /> sustain economically viable agricultural operations and to serve as prime stewards of the land . <br /> (For example : present use - value , Farmland Preservation Trust , CREP , wetland restoration ) . <br /> Objective 3A . 2 : Adopt a statewide goal to minimize loss of prime , threatened , culturally or- <br /> environmentally significant farmland after surveying the state ' s farmland . <br /> Objective 3A . 3 : Support N . C . based agricultural economies . <br /> ■ Encourage universities , colleges , prisons , and other state institutions to give first buying <br /> preference to NC food and fiber . <br /> ■ Develop the capability , either within the NC Dept . of Agriculture or in coordination with <br /> local governments , to provide small operators with financial planning assistance and <br /> brokerage of products to local institutions . <br /> ■ Create regional value - added agricultural processing centers where producers can lease or <br /> purchase services or facilities . <br /> 9 <br />