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19 <br /> ■ Review state programs devoted to protecting open space to assure they are effectively <br /> coordinated and efficiently administered . <br /> • Create an entity to coordinate all state programs associated with protecting or preserving <br /> open space , including farmland . <br /> ■ Require long - range strategic plans for state entities that acquire and protect open space . <br /> ■ Coordinate the dissemination of information about activities of state programs and agencies <br /> that acquire or protect open space , including the issuance of a comprehensive annual report . <br /> Objective 1A . 8 : Support the Million Acre Initiative . <br /> ■ Fund a coordinator and support staff for the Million Acre Initiative . <br /> ■ Incorporate the Million Acre Initiative into existing state programs to acquire and protect <br /> open space . <br /> ■ Create a Million Acre Advisory Panel , with representatives appointed by the governor and <br /> General Assembly to include private interests and local government . <br /> B . STATE LAND ( universities , colleges , prisons , government facilities , parks , historic sites , <br /> gamelands , etc . ) <br /> Objective 1B . 1e, Lead by example <br /> ■ Survey existing resources and significant natural features ( unusual botanical communities , <br /> buffers along perennial streams , etc . ) . <br /> ■ Develop protection plans for significant natural features . <br /> • Prohibit construction of buildings , *except wastewater treatment facilities , in identified <br /> floodways or in floodplains . <br /> ■ Minimize impervious surfaces , including transportation - related facilities , located within <br /> floodplains . <br /> ■ ridge , coastal , and other environmental regulations in siting <br /> Respect floodplain , watershed , <br /> state facilities and executing state policies . <br /> Objective 1B . 2 : Support parks , natural areas , recreation areas , trails , historic sites , and . other <br /> state - owned lands and state-protected waterways with adequate funding . <br /> ■ Strengthen and expand the state park system to preserve sites of statewide significance . <br /> ■ Update a long - range plan for acquisition and operations within the state park system . <br /> 4 <br />