CFE 030899
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 030899
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Last modified
1/7/2019 2:32:36 PM
Creation date
1/7/2019 2:31:31 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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2 <br /> predominantly in North America and western Europe . Drawing upon these analyses , <br /> ided expert testimony in legal and regulatory proceedings , and have served <br /> I have prov <br /> on committees advising US government agencies . My CV is provided here as <br /> Attachment A . <br /> co Scope of My Review <br /> 5 . In preparation of this Declaration, I reviewed the NRC ' s Federal Register notice for the <br /> proposed license amendment, the Final Safety Analysis Report for the Shearon Harris <br /> Nuclear Power Plant, the Final Environmental Statement related to the operation of <br /> Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 (NURE& 0972 , October 1983 ) , and <br /> CP &L ' s application for the proposed license amendment. I also reviewed various <br /> correspondence and technical documents relating to the propose license amendment and <br /> to risks of spent fuel storage , which are _ identified below . <br /> 6 . The information that has been provided by the NRC and CP & L to date does not <br /> contain all of the detail that I would need to provide a complete , final statement about the <br /> hazards associated with the proposed license amendment . I would expect to review the <br /> full body of detailed evidence and present my final evaluation in the context of a hearing . <br /> However , even the limited information provided so far is adequate to permit me to <br /> identify serious safety concerns which preclude the NRC from making a "no significant <br /> hazards" determination . These issues should be addressed through the systematic , public <br /> process that a prior licensing hearing can provide . <br /> D . The " No Significant Hazards " Standard <br /> 7 . The NRC has stated its standard for determining that a . license amendment request <br /> involves no significant hazards consideration . 2 The standard is met if operation of the <br /> facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not : ( 1 ) involve a significant <br /> increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated ; or (2 ) <br /> create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously <br /> evaluated ; or (3 ) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety . <br /> 8 . In my professional opinion, based on the preliminary evidence provided by the NRC <br /> and CP & L , operation of the Shearon Harris plant in accordance with the license <br /> amendment proposed by CP & L will violate all three of the conditions set forth in the <br /> preceding paragraph . Therefore , the NRC staff should reverse its position and should <br /> determine that CP & L ' s license amendment request does not involve no significant <br /> hazards consideration . <br /> E . The License Amendment in Context - Spent Fuel Management at Harris <br /> 9 . Before discussing my concerns about the safety implications of the proposed license <br /> amendment, I provide here some background information about spent fuel management at <br /> the Hams plant and CP &L ' s proposal to increase the spent fuel storage capacity at <br /> Harris . Unless specified otherwise, the information presented here is drawn from CP &L ' s <br /> license amendment application or from CP &L ' s Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for <br /> the Harris plant . <br /> 2 Ibid . <br />
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