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tJ' 0 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> HILLSBOROUGH <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> J�ana9er 's ���ce MEMORANDUM 6sla ls�eolI7S2 <br /> TO : Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> FROM : John Link, County Manager <br /> DATE : January 29 , 2004 <br /> RE : January 31 Annual Planning Retreat <br /> With this cover memo I am transmitting reference notebooks for Saturday ' s annual planning retreat . This year ' s <br /> notebooks are laid out with tabs that tie back to the major topic headings on the retreat agenda facesheet . <br /> Generally speaking , the materials we have provided are intended to serve as " conversation starters " for the <br /> subtopics listed on the agenda facesheet . In some cases , we have created new, brief documents that serve as <br /> updates on particular topics . In other cases , we have simply provided copies of previously created documents (or <br /> updated versions thereof) that may help refresh your memories about topics that have been raised and discussed <br /> previously . <br /> As you may have noted; at this year' s retreat we will be using the services of a facilitator referred to us through <br /> the Dispute Settlement Center ' s network: ious one Geriel Thornburg-May has previously d facilitation work for <br /> Orange County agencies , and comes highly recommended by both County staff and by Andy Sachs of the Dispute <br /> Settlement Center . I understand that the Chair and Ms . Thornburg-May have discussed her role in assisting <br /> Commissioners with the retreat, and that will be covered at the outset of Saturday ' s session . <br /> A fundamental difference between this retreat and those of several years ago is a reduced emphasis on the formal <br /> goal statement format that the Board has used for the better part of a decade . As them Board has not formally <br /> adopted BOCC goalsfor several years now, we discussed with the Chair .that Commissioners may want to bring <br /> the most recent set of goal statements prepared by _staff .early last year in. conjunction <br /> 'with the January 2003 <br /> retreat . We have included in your notebooks an. index of the goal statements from last. year, but not the complete <br /> set of goals themselves If you no :longer have your set from last year but' would like staff to provide you with <br /> another COPY, Please let us 14iow and �we : can bring that to the retreat: on. Saturday <br /> p '- I me <br /> S. <br /> . r = _ . <br /> The retreat notebooks include- an in of bacicgrourid documents that relate to van <br /> sections of the retreat <br /> agenda . We have continued the pxactice of the: past two retreats of preparing an "Envirori 01 n. Scan" or <br /> "Looming Issues " document to stimulate thought about the County - s work plan and program priorities for the <br /> next year or so and to - dexitify sortie staff efforts that may not risen to the level of being forinalized as Board goals , <br /> but are nevertheless important and will involve substantial commitment of existing staff resources . As usual , <br /> staff plans to make a brief " fiscal outlook" presentation as part of the retreat to report on current and anticipated <br /> revenue trends . Handouts from the presentation will be provided at the retreat so you may retain those for future <br /> reference . <br /> With regard to the conduct of the retreat, we recognize that this is YOUR retreat and as such, should provide as <br /> much opportunity as possible for discussion among Commissioners about the topics you have chosen to include <br /> on your agenda . My intention is to keep staff presentations at the retreat to a minimum, balancing the need to <br /> provide you with relevant information with the need for you to use limited retreat time for dialogue among you . <br /> Key staff will be available during the retreat to respond to questions about the topics included on the retreat <br /> agenda . <br /> Staff and I look forward to assisting you with a productive retreat. Please let us know tomorrow if there are <br /> additional background documents you would like us to have available for the retreat on Saturday . <br /> AREA CODE ( 919) 245 - 2300 • 688 - 7331 FAX (919 ) 644 - 3004 <br /> Ext . 2300 <br />