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<br /> 5�, ° n `r �f tleNe ' \ Conservationists have identified five undevelopeiT
<br /> �, ', tf1FA areas all of them alon rivers and streams , thatflI
<br /> rrt
<br /> Vi
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<br /> Wl laCeS %Yi F, ; .. ��4� gp tttt7e , j M r0r.f �y I.- hey think should be saved as opens ace . Thep_- Hillsborough �I `SDI �aO ive largely roadless forests have suvived into theFno rd� 4 z 4, q q , � �$ 21 st centu as nei hborin woods® n Wanted list I0. M' , + er m} 5y ry } ? gfr � ry g g12 ^ Lr �,r - N\ ` . . ; 85 ' 4pSrI142. sa have fallen to the bulldozer,
<br /> Nrc : 14 { H4rr `W k � 3�� but without coordinated
<br /> c;
<br /> BY JAMEs ELI SHIFFER C7itANGi= �� � ��, , tti a, F iyb' z
<br /> Go �Jt*ITY = ` Y � 01 �t °° . l 1Nake .% action they too are
<br /> rI
<br /> s I ,Foresf
<br /> STAFF WRITER Ci�a'* ~, y tt likely to turn into
<br /> They are the last big woods of the 70 `4.
<br /> � r x t�
<br /> Triangle — five areas of privately cI .. I ", .\A , .r. '� � , 40 � � ^ µ Rolesvllle - I homesites ,
<br /> nE t- - , T F r} L 40� roads and
<br /> owned deep forest that have some- yr J ' r �TP4N E W, Ke
<br /> i a 3
<br /> ` A it-'Y ; _ `, . FS m � S k � 'rm
<br /> how survived in one of the nation's ` is a� t � t a,,s V C�t.JNTY businesses .
<br /> r `
<br /> fastest-growing areas . Now conser E501 t Fv�}I ` * ,
<br /> zI l-t;r!tI.-i?-I.�W.I-.w�l4"'I
<br /> ir-.`-�4t,:i.,;RI..iL rr7:L 1,-I r,il,a;n�.,.:S,4i,.A 7i-;�:1,r i 2',r_r.:rV".i.7L-..11--,,Iw�*.+11�,�to�4
<br /> war T I , x Knr ht gle zebulon
<br /> vationists hope to get to them before 4 !,.5 } cFI THr+; 1 - 1 a g 4 r. 6 f T }a .I V �FjltatelgK� ' 7 � t +A`
<br /> . planned highways and other van COUNTY �� `3 ° '4z � , ,� ^ ti N, �NEndell
<br /> guards of urban growth make them i , yA 5 64 ALe>xT3 yK ttT � ; ' 11 .
<br /> _
<br /> too valuable to leave in trees . Il r Plttsboro r tit ` ` 0 _ . _ j %T t�? . ! ? " 1
<br /> The Triangle Land Conservan Is airy k''�y � �' * �� ,. c;Im`I t ;
<br /> g cY X _ t � l T 5 _� � JOIiNSTOtd
<br /> I �I+k?-+IIwLF.T.�rji.I&.ri..Ir:�;r,r,r--I r-.,r t._I;.r.I r,.'r r�r-lr i�6IT:T`.,.Zi."'.r..5.,i.r..r4�.l ZI'-r�.,Lrj�l 1"_".Il,W 4T 1l.:-71'r.VI r 1 II+jiL.:=,.;-L'F-�.1.:IIr L�`I.-'Ir IltIr.1r:.ri�_T rt�:
<br /> focusing on two stretches of the = g _ ;sk�nhls Al a b,w °uNTY -
<br /> A"7
<br /> Neuse River in Wake and Johnston N t ,v�r `` , 3. ijjj . 401 1 :: , ;s
<br /> '7AII._Tj%r.I-r:II:W.TT 4 1 A*.F.I.;-.IA.F.`.a1I r�IjI..rI�11�,FlIl'1*l%�t,I.4.a-,*I ld I.-.I l-I�.L,z.rI.6i rF..if%,4.Il,.II...lII:-L"`Fll-"4.-,v I-4.Id.rT;Ir.I-*III._t,.T.,w+F.WF,r�6I+i"-"I:,o I'sI..�
<br /> - t 1 R3 i d fl r 7U - a
<br /> counties the Little River and New ' 421 , � ' ` IIL'I �S°n's ' *
<br /> � ' pV r �Q/�/4 5 FUC� U T lit$ MICrO J ;
<br /> "' Hope Creek in Orange and Durham ;1d1ce f �� Vattr aa : T °,� le
<br /> ' :
<br /> ands ._MjL+Es . . X� `° ,5� P %' \ _'
<br /> the Deep River In Chatham and
<br /> . ;' . :. �*xr I .i 'cry LE-1r ^�I` µ��' a A.,� S.:,i� Z` SmlthT/I in �ne i.:.
<br /> Lee. Today these places are blank k r c r ,. 3 _ t� Levet
<br /> ut� rY e 4 y
<br /> spots on the map, hundreds of acres ` ' ` ��p f f' 47 Four ;f% 95
<br /> ' s s x Oaks ;.
<br /> offorests swamps lakes fields and e r W Qsanford X � Rdilgl # FrnN, ;, , L Princeton ;
<br /> it+',,; ) ) ) tszr , T . Jye4sP '
<br /> pastures crossed by few if any paved " ; ti` 3oi 1 h , n t
<br /> ', ,% roads . ; 'i s r 5 I i yIF dot tee, k
<br /> One of them known as the "Let- L f ��` '
<br /> °1 : -: hk Priority land 'c '
<br /> Lones in southeastern Johnston ` � _ = .
<br /> fitj�z rotection areas '� ,
<br /> '� County, covers 46,000 acres where the P 1, "
<br /> Source : Triangle Land Conservancy ti.
<br /> Neuse twists and turns through ` `
<br /> cypress swamps , oxbow lakes and
<br /> bottom landhardwoods. The conser- OLittle River ( Orange and Durham ® Deep River (Chatham and Lee ® reuse River Let-' Lones (Johnston
<br /> . . . 1 vancy is close to a deal to preserve , counties) : The two forks of this river . counties) : With less development , County) : A remote and flood - prone
<br /> 1000aeresthereforanewstate flow through forested uplands and pressure than the other sites , this stretch of the Neuse with 10
<br /> .,9hiII.....��:I 1.%,I.%.r%.k II',%I-S$I%.I:t:4I1L I�ANIV.II..%!LkI'"II.iIII�-%%I,.I+.%I_&4I.rI I I�.IJftI t11,II%Fl 4III'�
<br /> ' pk a scenic gorge before empptying Piedmont waterway is rich in perennial streams , 12 oxbows ,
<br /> into reservoirs . Otters , reTbellied history and wildlife and beloved by several large ponds and three
<br /> SEE WOODS, PAGE 20A snakes and rare mussels live there . paddlers , large and prominent wetlands . It ' s
<br /> ® New Hope Creek ( Orange and , 0 Neuse River and Mark's Creek one of the largest undeveloped
<br /> Fr%, ``"`1 . Durham counties) : A surprisingly wild (Wake and Johnston counties) : Two roads areas in Eastern North Carolina .
<br /> � ' stream flows through Duke Forest cross this area of 7 , 500 acres .
<br /> before crossing the rapidly Mark ' s Creek flows through
<br /> developing corridor between extensive wetlands and bottom
<br /> . I T. MOSIER/The News & Observer''``' '' ` Durham n a d Chapel Hill . land hardU mod forests . .
<br /> I % really start focusing on its `million floods to be tamed for civilization.
<br /> ,,,.i
<br /> "" ' '' '' acre' goal," meaning the General Legends of trackless swamps and
<br /> ,;;; ;i,: ::;
<br /> Assembl 's oal to reserve 1 mil- ant snakes gave the Let'Lones its
<br /> '4` `11 ` CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 A Y g A gI g
<br /> i ` `; 'i lion acres of open space by 2010 . name . As growth paves more and
<br /> and another 900 acres that links the In the meantime, the conservancy more land, local leaders have begun
<br /> ry Deep. River to Jordan Lake, said Kate hopes to prod local leaders into tak to recognize the significance of
<br /> ra ? :' Dixon, the executive director. Either ing action by circulating carefully what' s left. Durham and Orange
<br /> . " 99 :; tract would be twice as big as the researched and lavishly illustrated counties have bought several hun-
<br /> largest land deal previously under- reports highlighting the natural won- dred acres along New Hope Creek
<br /> taken by the group. . ders of these five areas . The Little , and created a 391-acre regional park
<br /> Leaders of the conservancy a non- Riverflows through a gorgewithwalls on the Little River, which feeds into
<br /> ` %` % 'I profit group dedicated to protecting rising as high as 140 feet. The Deep Durham's primary reservoir.a
<br /> ,; :,; .{ open space, know they have to act . River meets the Rocky River at a The least-known area on the con-
<br /> fast. They had to cross one area- off grove of white pines, leftovers of the servancy's list may be its most vul-
<br /> their priority list after a housing Ice Age. Rare aquatic animals some- nerable. The Shotwell comma. -v in
<br /> ;, developer beat them to a key tract how hang on in these places — a sala- . eastern Wake sits at the northern
<br /> around Swift Creek in southern Wake. mander called the Neuse watendog, end of a vast expanse of woods and
<br /> " Our strength is working with - a fish called the Carolina madtom, fields between Knightdale and Clay-
<br /> ; , .` landowners on a voluntary basis , " mollusks known as the yellow lamp- ton. In the 19th century, the Mial fan-
<br /> said Lorelei Costa, the conservan- mussel and the Atlantic pigtoe. These BY worked its . slaves and later ten-
<br /> cy's associate director. "We recog- creatures depend on clean streams, ant farmers on 2 , 700 acres there .
<br /> nize it's going to take a lot of differ- which in turn depend on forests and Today, only two roads cross the 7,500
<br /> ent strategies to protect these areas. wetlands to filter pollution. acres — more land than William B .
<br /> . . . We're really hoping that the state, For decades, these five places were Umstead State Park. The only out-
<br /> once - the budget crisis is over, can too far from roads or too prone to siders who get a glimpse of the bot-
<br /> tom land hardwood forests and lau-
<br />