Orange County NC Website
Par a 0 n purchase <br /> a roved <br /> PP 0 iz - /S' 01 <br /> County to buy farm <br /> for $ 2 million <br /> BY STEPHAAN HAR.RIS <br /> STAFF WRITER <br /> Orange County plans to spend <br /> $2 million on 152 acres of historic <br /> farmland between Hillsborough THE NEWS & � <br /> and Chapel Hill that will be the site Rom <br /> PageOne <br /> 1�of a new park, officials announced AB 0 DECEMBER 15 , 2001 <br /> Friday. <br /> The county commissioners ap- <br /> proved the $ 13 , 609,-per-acre pur- a complex of farm structures and a <br /> chase of the largely wooded land - LAND portion of " Stagecoach Road," an <br /> Tuesday, located near New Hope CONTINUED FRo►v1 PAGE 1 B old highway that runs from Hills- <br /> Church Road and N . C . 86 . The borough to Chapel Hill . The proper- <br /> property is owned by the Black- would fit well into the county's plans ty also has a 3-acre pond and two <br /> wood family, one of Orange Coun- to acquire preservation sites . streams that flow through it into <br /> ty ' s oldest, predating the Ameri- "We felt like . . . it would be a much New Hope Creek. <br /> can Revolution , better angle to go at rather than try The property has remained large- <br /> The deal, scheduled to be final- to sell it to a developer, " said David ly intact for more than 200 years , <br /> ized by next week, is part of the coup- « <br /> Blackwood , a Cary resident. It although small parcels were sold for <br /> ty's Lands Legacy program, which <br /> tries to acquire land for preservation would allow for the i ty of prop- the construction of Interstate 40 and <br /> ntegri <br /> or recreation. Plans for the Black- erty to stay intact. New Hope Elementary School . <br /> WNWdo <br /> wood land have not been finalized, Most of the original farm is still <br /> but the historic farmstead will there, including an old farmhouse Staff writer Stephaan Harris can he reached <br /> remain intact, officials said. (portions of which date back to 1827) , at 9324015 or shams@newsobserveuom <br /> " The property is a combination of <br /> everything that's important for our <br /> natural and cultural resources, " said <br /> David Stancil, county environment <br /> and resource conservation director. <br /> "We're very appreciative of the fam- <br /> ily working through us . " <br /> The property is co -owned by sis- <br /> ters Mary and Nannie Blackwood, <br /> both in their early 80s , and the <br /> younscst children of Herbert and <br /> Alice Blackwood, who purchased the <br /> farm in 1906. Co-owner David Black- <br /> wood, the sisters ' nephew, said the <br /> family decided to sell the land after <br /> determining that the two women <br /> would be better off living where they <br /> could be cared for. <br /> The family also thought about sell- <br /> ing the land to a developer, Black- <br /> wood said. But a neighbor who knew <br /> Stancil suggested that the property <br /> SEE LAND, PAGE 4B <br />