Orange County NC Website
� 4M <br /> 1 . 0 Executive Summary <br /> The proposed Fox Dill Farmq Ccntral delo•elopmcnt is located rim Hillsborough , forth <br /> Carolina between. Baldwin Road and New Sharon Church Road . The proposed <br /> to elopm nt Vrill Consist of an additional 1 single - family dwelling Umts . The site will <br /> be accessed via two drivewsys onto Baldwin load and one ontc New Sharon Chuicoh <br /> Road . Completion Mull build- out) is antimpd in } near 2003 , <br /> i <br /> The site is estimated to generate an addition l 951 total trips daily, with 73 and 99 <br /> occurring during the AM and PM peak hour, respectively . It should be, noted that these <br /> trips generation estimates are a total of both erittmor and exiting vehicles . In addition to <br /> qtP <br /> a throe percent annual gmwth rate, traffic: generation for the pre %gously approved 49 <br /> single- family d %velling units was also included in the anal.){sI54 <br /> s study has been performed to determwi a the future traffic IM is of the development <br /> on the surrounding str=t network , Based on this analysis , the adjacent street network <br /> ��1111 opemte at a good averalI l eJm0f mrvicc . Inkrsecticns * in the area will operate at <br /> level � o ff scr%gco ( LOS ) 13 or better . Average daily traffic counts on Baldwin Road and <br /> New Shin Chi h Road are not expected to exceed 3000 vehicles per day . Based on <br /> anticipated traffic volumes md NCDOT standards , neither left turn iaaes nor right turn <br /> Imes are required at site driveways . A Meld investigation has confined that adequate <br /> sIght distance is present at all site driveways . <br />