Orange County NC Website
31 <br /> 2 <br /> B , The applicant will also add a section to the Homeowners documents that requires the <br /> Association to. maintain the pond and regulate the water elevation to its current level . <br /> ( Resolution Section F . . ) [ see Rage 101 <br /> 54 Davoloper agmas to restrict further development on adjacent I G + - acre parcels <br /> A , Developer to record a document restdctln9 further subdivision an the 3 tracts . <br /> ( ResolAcm F . b ) tsea pages 1 - 1 ] <br /> Win AM <br /> P URPO Consideration of the Preliminary Plan for irdsong Subdivision , <br /> BACKGROUND . <br /> Rcgy # <br /> Applicant : Robert Tones of Brady H . Goforth & Associates , Inc . , went for Mr . & Mrs . Elie Patouli <br /> Original Track 85 . 39 acres + - <br /> IV 31 acres + - subdivided into three Iota of just over 1 O - acres each through exempt pro ; ess <br /> # 54 , 661, acre tract + / - remaining <br /> Twenty- six ( 26 ) single4amily residontlal lots on the nssrvation - cluster <br /> flexible development option <br /> ■ Average lot size = 1022 acres ( 53 , 143 square feet ) ; Gross lot size 2A 0 acres <br /> ■ Proposed open space = 20 , 44 acres ( 3784 % of situ oentroiled by the Homeowner <br /> soeiotion <br /> 6 . + I= additional acres are in the 100 - foot building ( setback) buffer, which will be <br /> protected through private covenants <br /> Location <br /> t Cedar Grime Township <br /> South side of LitUe $ River Church bRoad ( SR 1543 ) between Walnut Grove Church Road ( SR <br /> 1001 ) and NG 57 <br /> Existing Site Conditions <br /> zoning : <br /> ■ Agricultural Residential (AIR ) , Little River Protected Watershed <br /> Adjacent Land Uses . Single-family resi & ntial , undeveloped lots , active agriculture <br /> Physical . Description . <br /> Gently sloped . land wRh a mixture of hardwoods and pines <br /> Aw blue - line stream runs through the eastem third of the site <br /> Beaver darns have divided the stream into a series of shallow pools <br /> No floadplain is associated wlth the stream or associated wetlands <br /> Proposed Site ondit or e <br /> Loads : <br /> Tha subdivision will be . acce sad from LIttte River Church Road ( SRE1 3 ) <br /> • Birdsong Lana will be public and constructed to NCDOT standards <br /> The topogrsphy limits road connectivity opt Ions for this subdivision <br /> A 50 - foot " stut>" out " between lots 14 and 15 shall be reserved for future road connections <br /> to the west and must be formally dedlcated to the County as an access easement ( or <br /> right- of-+gay ) as part of the Final Plat approval process , The cu 1 - d d -sac areas shall be <br /> reverted to the adjacent lots 13 , 14t and 15 iflwhen the stubrout Is constructed . <br />