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mapping work does , however, provide a tool for monitoring progress and identifying <br /> different forested tracts . The formula used to generate the final map should. be viewed <br /> with caution because it is biased by the inclusion of the factor I , for "inventoried natural <br /> areas . " In Map 8 the presence or absence of an inventoried site can explain all the <br /> variations . The fact that an area has been inventoried should not be a factor in assessing <br /> ildlife habitat because the wildlife doesn ' t care if the site is inventoried <br /> its ranking as a w <br /> or not . Factor "I " is just adding a free multiplier on the value of land. <br /> The CFE agreed to support the recommendations of the report and encourage any policy <br /> changes the BOCC can make that will help to bring about their implementation. <br /> Moreover the CFE requested an analysis of forests be done without using the factor "I " . <br /> V. Water Reclamation Support <br /> The CFE was reminded of the August meeting where Ed Kerwin had presented water <br /> reclamation information and asked whether the CFE was interested in adopting a <br /> resolution about reclaimed water use . The Meadowmont Subdivision and Finley Golf <br /> Course were noted as two possible choices for use of reclaimed water. It was noted that <br /> expressed enthusiasm for water reclamation use was low. A recent article in the Chapel <br /> Hill News referring to Jordan Lake and Cane Creek water quality was noted as incorrect <br /> due to the tables used in the report were of conflicting origin . water supply and <br /> wastewater disposal with two entirely different sets of criteria; one for discharging waste <br /> to a water supply and one for taking water out of the source for drinking . Okun said the <br /> report was a collection of old data and a new study needs to be done . <br /> The CFE agreed to send a letter recommending the BOCC endorse a study of water <br /> reclamation use by OWASA that begins the planning phase now and allows for <br /> preservation of water resources in the future . <br /> VI . Update on Air Quality Issues <br /> This item was deferred to the January agenda. <br /> VIII . Committee Breakout Sessions <br /> The committees broke out at 9 : 40pm . <br /> IX. Adjournment <br /> DRAFT CFE 12/6/99 Minutes Page 3 of 3 <br />