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DocuSign Envelope ID:2ED162C9-56B4-4E3B-B5E1-D362BBB00188 <br /> Exhibit A <br /> Scope of Services for <br /> Carrboro Elementary After School 2018-2019 program <br /> for the Family Success Alliance <br /> Purpose: Program support resources for Carrboro Elementary (CES) to provide after school <br /> programming for students in grades 2-5 attending CES, a zone 6 school. <br /> Budget: $2,500.00 <br /> • Funds will be used for teacher salaries for the program. Total program budget is <br /> $12,000 with funds leveraged from other sources. <br /> Program Services: <br /> • The school will offer a Tier II after-school acceleration program for 45-50 students in <br /> grades 2-5 in math starting in November and running throughout the school year. <br /> • The goal of the program is to preteach upcoming units to reduce the need for <br /> remediation and improve overall student performance. <br /> • The program is designed to accelerate instruction for 75% of the program and <br /> remediate and address misconceptions for 25% of the program. <br /> • Any student at Carrboro Elementary School is eligible for the program. Students who are <br /> below grade level will be prioritized for enrollment. FSA-enrolled students at CES will <br /> also be encouraged to enroll in the program, if slots remain available after need-based <br /> outreach has been done. Enrollment of FSA students will be coordinated with Health <br /> Department staff and navigators." <br /> Outcomes: <br /> • Students in each group will be given a short pre-assessment covering concepts included <br /> in the standards they are responsible for learning in their current grade level. They will <br /> be given quick formative assessments each week to determine their progress toward <br /> concept understanding. They will be given a varied form of the pre-assessment as a <br /> post-assessment at the end of the program. Between the pre-assessment, the formative <br /> assessments, the after-school ending assessment, as well as the in-class core <br /> assessment that will require an application of the content learned, collaborating <br /> educators will be able to determine if all areas of the concept and its supporting <br /> concepts were fully understood by the student. <br /> Reporting <br /> • Half of the contract will be paid when the contract is signed and executed. The <br /> remaining half will be paid when the program is complete and a final invoice and <br /> program report are submitted. The deadline to submit these documents is May 17, <br /> 2019. <br /> 1 <br />