Minutes - 20050419
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050419
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Last modified
12/31/2018 9:47:37 AM
Creation date
12/31/2018 9:47:27 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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<br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the sales tax for CHCCS. Bob Segal said that they <br />audited the sales tax for CHCCS and found sales tax that was not claimed. He continued to <br />explain how this money was found for the County. <br /> <br />Chair Carey asked that item 9-c be moved up to the next item. <br /> <br />c. Potential Maple View Soccer Field Project <br />The Board considered action regarding a proposed soccer field on land leased at Maple <br />View Farm. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil gave some background <br />on this field, which is in the agenda abstract. Because of the higher-than-expected costs of <br />construction, the County evaluated the project and the staff identified four options – no-build, re- <br />bid with refinements and build, public-private partnership, or award matching grant and let <br />others build. Things have changed since this evaluation. There are a number of new soccer <br />fields being built within the County – Southern Park, Twin Creeks Park, and West Ten Soccer <br />Complex. The staff noted that a re-bid of the project may not yield a lower cost estimate, and <br />that it may still cost $200,000 or more to construct this field. He made reference to the <br />attachment, Soccer Superfund Policy and Guidelines. He also made a correction in the <br />financial impact section – the remaining funds in the Soccer Superfund are actually $1,025,000. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Nutters for this very generous offer, but it is cost <br />prohibitive. He said that it would seem with all of the other soccer fields that will be built, it <br />would not be wise to pursue this standalone soccer field. He thinks it is appropriate to free the <br />Nutters from their obligation to the County and encourage them to do something on it that will <br />generate some taxes. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this was a classic example on the part of the Nutters to <br />do something worthwhile for the community and, sincere on the part of the County <br />Commissioners to do something in a reasonable fashion. This field was allowed to grow into <br />something that was never envisioned. It was supposed to be a simple field, but it turned into a <br />mega-field with irrigation systems and pumps. <br />Chair Carey agreed with Commissioner Jacobs that, in view of the changed <br />circumstances, they need to free the Nutters from their commitment and enable them to use the <br />land for something else. <br />Mr. Nutter asked about the well that was drilled by the County. David Stancil said that <br />the well was drilled to figure out how much groundwater there would be to figure out how to <br />write the specifications of the field. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />respectfully decline the Nutter’s offer of using their property to build a soccer field, and to <br />address the well and any other issues that may have arisen as a result of the County’s intent. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br /> <br />b. Resolution on Participation in the Proposed Regional Transportation <br />Development Plan (RTDP) <br />The Board considered participation in a study, fully funded by the North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation (NCDOT), to prepare a Regional Community Transportation <br />Development Plan (RTDP) that will examine opportunities to better coordinate and possibly <br />consolidate community transportation programs such as Orange Public Transportation (OPT) <br />across the three counties – Durham, Orange, and Wake. <br />John Link said that there have been two meetings of the Triangle County Board Chairs, <br />in which they have discussed this topic. The Department of Transportation wants to encourage <br />regional examination of how to improve the local community transportation systems. The <br />resolution is clear that Orange County will examine the results of this study, as will Durham and
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