Minutes - 20050419
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050419
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Last modified
12/31/2018 9:47:37 AM
Creation date
12/31/2018 9:47:27 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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<br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Tara Fikes to forward information about how the <br />proposals would affect the housing programs in Orange County. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />to approve submission of the Annual Public Housing Agency Plan for the Orange County <br />Housing Authority and authorize the Chair to sign the Certifications of Compliance/Board <br />Resolution following completion by staff. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br /> <br />a. Contract with Robert S. Segal, CPA for School/County Efficiency <br />Enhancements <br />The Board considered receiving an update from the firm of Robert Segal, CPA, PA <br />regarding findings to date from an examination of opportunities for achieving budgetary <br />efficiencies in the operations of the two school systems and the County; and to consider <br />approving a supplemental agreement with the Segal firm. <br />Rod Visser said that the supplemental agreement would be a contract approved for an <br />amount not to exceed $10,000 for the Segal firm to provide additional information to the Board <br />about things that might not lend themselves to specific efficiency savings, but may be relevant <br />information for the Board about various resources available to the school systems that do not <br />fall within the area of the Educational Excellence Task Force. This was discussed in the fall, <br />and a separate contract has been drawn up to reflect this. The items in the first contract related <br />to efficiency. <br />Bob Segal made reference to the letter from him dated April 14th. Regarding CHCCS, it <br />could save $67,000 on telecommunication expense. The firm recovered $31,000 from the <br />telephone company for a billing error. Regarding North Carolina Sales and Use Tax, the <br />number has increased to $289,761. Regarding cash management, there is a $2,400 savings for <br />the new account and another $2,400 for another account. <br />Regarding OCS, there is no change to the e-rate filing. The same cash management <br />concepts have been implemented, and the savings are not as large as CHCCS. <br />Regarding Orange County Government, there has been $68,671 of additional sales tax <br />through the reallocation process. Amended returns have resulted in another $49,219, and it <br />has been reported but not processed. <br />Regarding collaborative efforts, they are working on the vendor analysis. There was a <br />meeting at the end of March with the County and the two school systems and they identified two <br />areas for collaboration between the two school systems – copier contracts and workers <br />compensation. In all of the discussions, it became evident that there are a lot more <br />collaborative opportunities for the two school systems. They are still trying to evaluate the other <br />opportunities. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that Bob Segal has done a superb job, and he supports the <br />additional work. He would like for Bob Segal to freelance and look at any and all possibilities <br />that the two school systems, in conjunction with the County, can do together. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve a supplemental contract for an amount not to exceed $10,000 with the Segal firm that <br />will provide additional information to the Board about things that might not lend themselves to <br />specific efficiency savings, but may be relevant information for the Board about various <br />resources available to the school systems that do not fall within the area of the Educational <br />Excellence Task Force, subject to final review by the County Attorney; and to authorize the <br />Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />
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