Minutes - 20050419
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050419
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/31/2018 9:47:37 AM
Creation date
12/31/2018 9:47:27 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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<br />It is his opinion that the question becomes who makes the laws - Congress or multi-national <br />corporations. The answer seems to be the latter. The Board could, in a symbolic gesture, <br />approve the rate order because they are opposing the decertification of Orange County. The <br />rate order would deny Time Warner the ability to collect this money in the County. <br /> The Board agreed that it should approve the rate order. <br /> Chair Carey said that he is going to ask the staff to bring the rate order back for <br />adoption as well as the letters, including this history of behavior. <br /> Bob Sepe said that there needs to be progress and the legislators need to weigh in and <br />tell the FCC what is going on. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that he will not hold his breath, but the Board needs to <br />weigh in as much as possible and put it in writing. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he has advocated getting the Dispute Settlement <br />Center involved in this. He would like to put a time limit on this issue. <br /> Gwen Harvey said that the next session is scheduled for May and should be the final <br />session. She thinks that they can be completed within this fiscal year. <br /> The Board agreed with setting a time limit at the end of this fiscal year. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />8. Public Hearings <br /> <br />a. Five-Year Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan – Section 8 Housing Program <br />The Board conducted a public hearing and considered approval of submission of the <br />Five-Year Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan for the Orange County Housing Authority and <br />authorizing the Chair to sign the Certifications of Compliance/Board Resolution following <br />completion by staff. <br />Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes said that the U. S. <br />Department of HUD requires all agencies operating the Section 8 housing trust voucher <br />program to prepare a five-year Public Housing Agency plan and an annual plan. The last five- <br />year plan was approved in January 2001, and the new plan is due in May. HUD provides a <br />template for the plan, and the County’s proposed plan is provided with the abstract. HUD also <br />requires that the County hold a public comment period for at least 45 days. There have been <br />advertisements in the Chapel Hill Herald that the public comment period began on April 8th and <br />will end on May 23rd. Any public comments received in writing or at the public hearing will be <br />submitted along with the plan to the Greensboro HUD office. <br />Tara Fikes highlighted some of the talking points about the current Section 8 program. <br />The current budget for this fiscal year is $4.4 million. This is funding for housing subsidies as <br />well as administrative costs. Under the new funding scheme, there is a cap on the available <br />dollars in any given fiscal year. The program currently has 269 property owners participating in <br />the program, and the majority is in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area or southern Orange County. <br />She gave other statistics about the program. The proposed plan does not contain any <br />substantial changes. <br />There was no public comment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />close the public hearing. The public comment period will remain open until May 23rd. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if this program was one of the programs that the Bush <br />Administration was proposing to move and Tara Fikes said no. There is not a proposal to cut <br />the program funds, but it will not grow.
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