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Executive Summary <br /> C . Chapel Hill/Carrboro Middle School 95 would likely be needed in 201344 versus the <br /> prior year projection of 201243 . <br /> High School District <br /> A. Currently exceeds the 110 % LOS standard (current LOS is 116 . 0 %) , but Memorandum of <br /> Understanding (MOU) suspended the Certificate Adequate Public Schools ( CAPS ) <br /> adequacy test at this level so CAPS may still be issued . <br /> Be Increase in the increase of the growth rate at this level over the next 10 years . <br /> C . Chapel Hill/Carrboro High School #3 (Carrboro High School) is still needed as soon as <br /> possible with current construction schedule estimates at 2007 -2008 . After the high <br /> school opens , all school levels would be tested for CAPS , in accordance with the Schools <br /> APFO MOU. Expansion of Carrboro High School from the initial capacity of 800 <br /> students to the ultimate capacity of 1 , 200 students is projected to be needed in 2016 - 17 <br /> versus prior year proj ection of 2014 - 15 . <br /> ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT <br /> Elementary School District <br /> A . Does not currently exceed 105 % LOS standard (current LOS is 78 . 4%) . <br /> Be Steady increase of the growth rate at this level over the next 10 years . <br /> C . Does not affect or prompt CIP activity in 10 - year timeframe . However, staff is <br /> monitoring new development activity in the Orange County portion of Mebane, which is <br /> not a party to the Schools APFO MOU . <br /> Middle School District <br /> A . With the opening of Gravelly Hill Middle School in October 2006 , the present LOS is <br /> 72 . 9 % . The Certificate of Adequate Public Schools (CAPS ) adequacy test at this level <br /> has been reinstated at this level . <br /> Be Small decrease in the increase of the growth rate at this level over the next 10 years . <br /> C . Does not affect or prompt CIP activity in 10 -year time frame . <br /> High School District <br /> A . Does not currently exceed 110 % LOS (current LOS is 86 . 6 %) . <br /> Be Slight increase in the increase of the growth rate at this level over the next 10 years . <br /> C . Does not affect or prompt CIP activity in 10 -year time frame . <br /> NOTE : In August 2006 , the Orange County Board of Education redistricted all school districts <br /> at all levels concurrent with the opening of Gravelly Hill Middle School to re-balance individual <br /> school capacities . LOS is linked to the totals of all schools within a level ; therefore, the Schools <br /> APFO does not have a LOS for a specific school so redistricting by the Board of Education can <br /> independently ameliorate the unique school condition . An understanding of locational growth <br /> from the local governments assists in this rebalancing . <br /> 111 <br />