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4b. Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan Update (Nish Trivedi) OUTBoard Action: To review and 56 <br />comment on the Draft Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan (E-B-M AMP). 57 <br /> 58 <br />Nish Trivedi: The background of this plan; it was originally adopted in November 2011. A Transportation Study was done 59 <br />in 2017. It looked at existing conditions, environmental, traffic analysis and other issues related to the 2011 E-B-M AMP. 60 <br />He explained the process of updating the plan. The Access Management Plan is the proposed long-range master plan 61 <br />for the possibility of new roads and the connection to existing roads. The main purpose is to maintain the overall safety 62 <br />of the transportation system, minimize congestion and crashes, provide efficient traffic flow and safety; and ensure 63 <br />access to adjacent properties as development occurs over time. The plan is a long-range vision of the area. It is a means 64 <br />of requesting right-of-way dedication during the development review process. Nish explained the history of the planning 65 <br />process and what the plan does and does not do. In 2017 Volkert conducted the transportation study. The original 2011 66 <br />E-B-M AMP included a map of the area and identified key intersections in the area. It included a variety of access 67 <br />management strategies including 2 possible street cross sections. In September 2011 the Planning Board and 68 <br />OUTBoard reviewed it and made its recommendations. There was a public information meeting held in November of that 69 <br />year and the Board of County Commissioners adopted it that same month. In 2017 Volkert worked with Pilot 70 <br />Environmental Inc. in completing the study. They determined the development potential for the area based on 71 <br />environmental and other constraints as well as the traffic impact of that development. 72 <br /> 73 <br />Alex Castro: The Plan didn’t address multi-model concerns; it is only about roads. And there is nothing about commuter 74 <br />rail, only about roads. 75 <br /> 76 <br />Nish Trivedi: The Plan addresses multimodal in the recommended NCDOT Standards Street cross-sections which are 77 <br />covered later in the presentation. This study included a big spreadsheet with 30 rows of data that showed what the 78 <br />various development sites might be. Hypothetical example is a 100 acre property was evaluated and it was determined 79 <br />that only 30 acres was actually developable due to environmental issues, market factors and other constraints. 80 <br />Maximizing the 30 acres development would result in a traffic impact; more cars on the road will be generated from that 81 <br />development. The 2017 Transportation Study also considered NCDOT 24 different street cross sections, what State 82 <br />routes should look like. It proposed 3 NCDOT standard street cross-sections for this area. The Study also took into 83 <br />consideration the impact at intersections, what would be needed at those intersections, would turn lanes be needed due 84 <br />to increased traffic. The slides show some of the intersections that would need turn lanes, stops signs, etc. to address 85 <br />the increased traffic for that development. Now we are in the process of updating the original 2011 E-B-M AMP using 86 <br />the 2017 Study. 87 <br /> 88 <br />David Laudicina: Study for Railroad 89 <br /> 90 <br />Nish Trivedi: NCDOT is having conversations with the railroads for improvements at railroad crossings. I have been told 91 <br />that the railroad wants to close at-grade crossings. NCDOT is working with them on this issue and we have not heard 92 <br />any specifics. The railroad has plans for this area and has ongoing conversations with NCDOT. I keep hearing different 93 <br />things on their wish list going forward. We conducted a community meeting to let the public know what is going on in this 94 <br />process and get their feedback. The study also included recommendations, and these are all presented to you for your 95 <br />consideration as we draft the E-B-M AMP. We are taking the original 2011 E-B-M AMP, adding the 2017 Transportation 96 <br />Study, with public comments, to create a whole new plan. The 2017 Transportation Study analyzed potential roads and 97 <br />whether those roads were feasible and ensure everyone had access to their property while development occurs, and the 98 <br />circles are for various intersection improvements. The green lines are from the study itself. The purple lines you see are 99 <br />where staff determined additional roads and studies would be needed to address increased traffic brought on by the 100 <br />development. The red circles are the intersections from the Transportation Study. We as staff think that additional 101 <br />intersections will be needed, and more study and possible improvements needed for those intersections. Mebane has 102 <br />also recently adopted a Comprehension Transportation Plan this June 2018. That is shown as the yellow line and yellow 103 <br />circles. The study proposed 3 different cross sections and they include bike and pedestrian accommodations either by 104 <br />paved shoulder and/or sidewalks. 105 <br /> 106 <br />Heidi: Does this include bike lanes? 107 <br /> 108 <br />Nish Trivedi: There are wide paved shoulders and/or sidewalks in the street cross sections but no specific bike lane 109 <br />notations because plan does not include road design. Paved shoulders could be used as bike lanes. 110 <br /> 111 <br />4