Orange County NC Website
• DRESS BRIGHT FOR SAFETY: Makeyourself visible by wearing bright orreflective clothing when you ride.• WATCH FOR AND AVOID ROADHAZARDS: Look for hazards that maycause you to crash, such as potholes,broken glass, gravel, puddles, leaves, and dogs.• USE BIKE LANES OR BIKE PATHS, IFAVAILABLE: While bikes are allowed on roads, riders may feel safer being separated from traffic. A lane or path is a safer chose than riding on a sidewalk. Sidewalk riding puts you at risk for crashes at driveways and intersections.• CONTROL YOUR BIKE: Ride with twohands on the handlebars unlesssignaling a turn. Place books and other items in a bike carrier or backpack. • USE VERBAL AND NON-VERBALCOMMUNICATION:This includes eyecontact with drivers,bells, turn signals,pointing to road hazards forbicyclists behind you, andstating “passing on your left,” or “on your left.” Protect your brain, save your lifeFitting Your Bike Helmet•EYES: Helmet should sit one or twofinger widths above your eyebrow.• EARS: The straps should meetright under your ear lobes toform a “Y.”• MOUTH: The strap should be looseenough so you can breathe andinsert a finger between the buckleand your skin, but tight enoughthat if you drop your jaw you canfeel the helmet pull down on thetop of your head.For more information: Be sure tires are properly inflated and spin the wheels to make sure the tires are not worn out and the wheels don’t wobble.BRAKES. Check to be sure coaster brakes will stop the bike when you pedal backward. To check hand brakes, squeeze them back and make sure they don’t hit the handlebars. Brake pads should still have ¼ “ of pad on them and should not be rubbing against the wheel rim. Test the brakes to be sure they can stop the bike before you ride.CRANKS, CHAINS, COGS. The crank arms are what the pedals attach to. Pull your cranks away from the bike – if they are loose, tighten the bolt. Check your that your chain is free of rust and gunk. If you bike has gears, check to be sure the chain can go from one gear (cog) to another.• WATCH FOR PARKED CARS: Ride far enough from aparked car to avoid being hit by a car door openingor a car pulling out.• WATCH FOR CARS COMING FROM DRIVEWAYSAND SIDE STREETS: Be prepared to stop if you see acar entering the road in front of you.•YIELD TO TRAFFIC and PEOPLEWALKING: Slow down and look.• ENTERING THE ROAD: Look left,right, then left again before enteringthe road.• USE LIGHTS: White lights onthe front of the bike and a red reflector and red light on the back are required at night.• RIDE ON THE RIGHT: Ride withthe flow of traffic, not against it.• FOLLOW ALL TRAFFIC LAWS:Obey traffic signs, signals andlane markings.• BE PREDICTABLE: Ride in astraight line, don’t weave, useturn signals.• SIGNAL BEFORE TURNING: Look behind, thensignal, watch for traffic.BE PREPARED • BE PREDICTABLE • BE VISIBLEQUICK RELEASE. Some bikes have quick releases on the wheels or the seat post. Check to be sure the quick releases are tight and closed properly. CHECK THE BIKE. Check the seat and the handlebars to be sure they are tight and at the proper height. Get on the bike and check to make sure everything works before riding.Passing on your left!For more information, call 919-245-2567www.orangecountyncbicyclesafety.com31