Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 111 <br /> 112 Craig Benedict: I was just discussing that with Michael Harvey. We tried to get grants for the removal and <br /> 113 deconstruction of them. It's not a building code issue. We can't use our dilapidated housing ordinance because it's <br /> 114 not a building code structure; it's a licensed vehicle. We do have problems with the enforcement of that. We would <br /> 115 like work with our solid waste department to see if there is a way to haul them away and dispose of them. We'll write <br /> 116 as an initiative. <br /> 117 <br /> 118 Paul Guthrie: Does the Health Code help you in that? <br /> 119 <br /> 120 Craig Benedict: If it attracted vermin or something like that we could bring the health department forward. The solid <br /> 121 waste department helps with debris and our own enforcement for junk vehicles, but there are still other issues that tie <br /> 122 in there. <br /> 123 <br /> 124 Paul Guthrie: We have to have some funding source. Are there other grants still available or would it have to be a <br /> 125 direct allocation from the commissioner? <br /> 126 <br /> 127 Craig Benedict: Most likely a direct allocation. Some of the mobile home parks are in the path of development. We <br /> 128 are finding that some of the mobile homes cannot be moved into the city because of age and city standards. We <br /> 129 have modified some of our home park regulations to allow some movement and removal of these older homes. <br /> 130 <br /> 131 Randy Marshall: It will be incumbent on the county at some point in time to try to create communities for the people <br /> 132 who are being displaced in the municipalities. <br /> 133 <br /> 134 Craig Benedict: We have a new housing director who has been very proactive with these issues called a Rapid <br /> 135 Response Mobile Home Displacement Committee. <br /> 136 <br /> 137 Lydia Wegman: Just on the clustering of rural areas, it that related to the rural buffer? <br /> 138 <br /> 139 Craig Benedict: It could include the rural buffer. If you offer more open space you can cluster more. We will <br /> 140 examine if there is any interest in doing something like that. Is it viable to the private development community to see <br /> 141 how it works? <br /> 142 <br /> 143 Craig Benedict: Are there any other emerging issues to put on the list coming up? We will turn this in in the next <br /> 144 couple weeks. If anything comes up send an email to Meredith or Perdita or Myself or Tina and we'll add a footnote <br /> 145 on the page. <br /> 146 <br /> 147 Paul Guthrie: In your report to the commissioner,will you put in there what your future vision for the county is and all <br /> 148 the aspects that you are involved with? <br /> 149 <br /> 150 Craig Benedict: Yes and no. There have been questions about the locations of our economic development areas <br /> 151 and if they are buildable. Location wise they are, utility wise to a good degree, but are there other issues that should <br /> 152 be examined. Every time we bring this forward,there is a background question about that vision. Where do you <br /> 153 grow,where do you not grow? Are regulations protecting our water sheds enough on the curb growth in certain <br /> 154 areas, and are there other areas where we should prompt development to improve the tax base? If we can push <br /> 155 environment, economic development, social equity, and push them together with a good planning model and have an <br /> 156 area that would address those areas. <br /> 157 <br /> 158 Kim Piracci: Climate change is coming and as we saw with Michael, the buildings on the Florida coast that were built <br /> 159 to a certain standard withstood the hurricane. This seems to be something to think about in terms of future <br /> 160 development. <br /> 161 <br /> 162 Craig Benedict: There have been some comprehensive plans that include a climate element and the resiliency of <br /> 163 flooding and climate.We will write that down. Planning gets into those areas. <br /> 164 <br />