Orange County NC Website
Article 10: Definitigm <br /> Section 10.1: Definitions <br /> p rmanent construction of a structure (including a manufactured home) on a/rs, <br /> as th pouring of <br /> sla or footings, installation of piles, construction of columns, or any work b sta e of <br /> excav ion; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Per ruction does not <br /> include I d preparation, such as clearing, grading, and filling; nor does it inc stallation of <br /> streets and r walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footi , or foundations or <br /> the erection o emporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the proccessory buildings, <br /> such as garages r sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the mure. For a <br /> substantial improve ent, the actual start of construction means the first alt ation of any wall, ceiling, <br /> floor, or other structur art of the building, whether or not that alteratio ffects the external dimensions <br /> of the building. <br /> State Agency <br /> Every department, agency, instit 'on, public authority, board, ommission, bureau, division, council, <br /> member of Council of State, or offic of the State governm t of the State of North Carolina. <br /> State Clearinghouse <br /> The clearinghouse agency established by th Nort arolina Department of Administration under the <br /> North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. <br /> State Mandate <br /> The minimum Rules adopted by the Env' nmental Man ement Commission for application to North <br /> Carolina's water supply watersheds, required by the W r Supply Watershed Protection Act. The <br /> purpose of the Act, as stated in its ening paragraph, is "... protect and enhance the quality of the <br /> State's surface water supplies by stablishing a cooperative pro am of water supply protection to be <br /> administered by local govern nts consistent with statewide man ement requirements established by <br /> the Environmental Manage nt Commission (EMC)." (See related inition "Water supply watershed"). <br /> Stockyard / Lives ck Market <br /> A facility where live ck are kept temporarily awaiting purchase and/or trans rt; such facilities may <br /> include enclosed avilions, grandstands, paddocks, and stalls. <br /> Stormwa r Collection System <br /> Any con it, pipe, channel, curb, or gutter for the primary purpose of transporting (not tre ting) run-off. A <br /> storm ter collection system does include vegetated swales, swales stabilized with armori or <br /> alter ative methods where natural topography prevents the use of vegetated swales (subject case-by- <br /> c e review), curb outlet systems or pipes used to carry drainage underneath built-upon surface hat are <br /> ssociated with development controlled by the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H 1003(c)(1). <br /> Stormwater Control Measure (SCM)18 <br /> A structural or non-structural management-based practice used singularly or in combination to reduce ti Formatte <br /> non-point source pollution to receiving waters in order to achieve water quality protection and water Formatte <br /> quantity limitation goals. (See also, Detention Pond and Engineered Stormwater Controls) <br /> cnonificr+ "READ" ,nihon ,icor+ in this (lrrlinodiiianno refers to c+n�n+��rol R�ADc \ :,I he term takes Formatte <br /> the place of what was originally referred to, and defined as a `Best Management Practice' or Formatte <br /> `BMP''_ =FormatbE, <br /> St�am Formatte <br /> A bco ura ow area or n surface <br /> Formatte <br /> Stream Buffer Formatte <br /> 18 This is the former definition of BMP now referred to as a SCM. <br /> 19 Red Bold Text denotes recommended new language. Stormwater management programs are intended to <br /> address water quantity(i.e. how much water can leave a site)and water quality(i.e. removal of nutrients) issues. <br /> The definition is being modified to ensure this distinction is properly captured. <br /> 20 Language being eliminated as it is now redundant given the change in terminology. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 10-53 <br />