Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Usk <br /> Section 5.7: Standards for Recreational Uses <br /> (iii) Access road(s)to the site, with an indication of type roposed <br /> surface; <br /> (iv) On-site parking and roads, with an indication type of proposed <br /> surface; and <br /> (v) All other requirements as indicated i ection 2.5. <br /> (2) Sta ards of Evaluation <br /> (a) less public sewer is proposed t e extended, the adequacy for the <br /> met d of sewage disposal wil a determined by the lot size and soil <br /> suitabi . Appropriate lette from the Orange County Environmental <br /> Health De rtment, loc ' risdictions and/or the State Division of <br /> Environment Mana ment shall be submitted to indicate preliminary <br /> approval. <br /> (b) The landsca plan II show how the facilities will be screened from <br /> the adjac t properties. Type D 50 foot buffer, as indicated in Section <br /> 6.8, s I be observed arou the perimeter of the property. This buffer <br /> sh be located outside of the quired dimensional area indicated in d. <br /> elow. <br /> (c The site plan, as required in Section 2. shall be reviewed by the <br /> Orange County Recreation and Parks Dir tor. <br /> (d) The depth of a range along the driving axis sh be not less than 350 <br /> yards measured from the locations of the tees an the breadth not less <br /> than 200 yards at a distance of 350 yards from the t S. <br /> (e) Service to customers shall be halted at dusk. Lighting o e driving and <br /> practice range is not permitted. <br /> 5.7.4 Golf Courses <br /> (A) Intent <br /> The purpose of this Subsection is to protect natural, visual, and cultural re urces by <br /> regulating the location, planning, design, construction, operation, and intenance of golf <br /> ourses and associated uses. <br /> (B) Ap ' ability <br /> The stan ds contained herein shall apply to all new gol ourses, whether proposed as <br /> a principal u or as an accessory use which is part o residential subdivision, or <br /> included in a Co itional Use District or Condition oning District. <br /> (a) Notw standing the provisio of Section 8.6, golf courses which existed <br /> prior to 21, 1997, sh comply with the requirements of this article <br /> when 50 0 o ore of e total playable acreage of golf holes is <br /> concurrently rec ucted or altered, or if 50% of playable acreage is <br /> added to an exi in ourse. Playable acreage includes all tees, greens, <br /> fairways, an roughs sured as of May 21, 1997. <br /> (b) Chan to Approved Sped Use Permits <br /> I ccordance with Section 2.7.1, a Planning Director is authorized to <br /> approve minor changes in the appro plans of Special Uses, provided <br /> the changes are in harmony with the orig' al approval. Before changes <br /> to an approved Special Use Permit may be sidered, updates of <br /> submittal materials such as the environmental a essment, biological <br /> inventory, or resources management plan may be r uired. In lieu of the <br /> criteria established in Section 2.7.3, the following criter shall be used to <br /> determine when proposed changes to a Special Use Perm' for a golf <br /> course, shall require approval of the Board of County Commis ioners: <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-66 <br />