Orange County NC Website
Article 4: Overlay Zoning Distri2t3 <br /> Section 4.2: Watershed Protection <br /> 4.2.7 lacement of Streets, Driveways, and Buildings <br /> (A) treets, driveways, and buildings or other structures shall be locat , to the extent <br /> re nably possible, so as to take full advantage of the absor i e capacity of the soils <br /> on whi they are to be situated and to avoid the followin nvironmentally sensitive <br /> areas: <br /> (1) Stream b er zones as required by Se i n 6.13; <br /> (2) Wetlands as de " ed by the U.S. my Corps of Engineers; <br /> (3) Land with slopes grea t 15%; and <br /> (4) Natural areas as ide ied in a Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats <br /> of Orange Coun , NC. <br /> (B) To avoid creating s that will be difficult to bui on in compliance with the standards <br /> of this Sectio a preliminary plan shall show prop d building envelopes and <br /> approxim driveway locations for all lots within subdivi ' ns. <br /> (1) A zoning compliance permit shall not be issued for the nstruction of buildings <br /> or driveways outside the areas so designated on the preli ' ry plan unless the <br /> Planning Director makes a written finding that the proposed loc 'on complies <br /> with the provisions of this Section and Sections 6.13 (Stream Buffe and 6.14 <br /> (Stormwater Management). <br /> 4.2.8 Modifications of the Impervious Surface Ratio <br /> Modifications of the Impervious Surface Ratios may be requested through one of the following <br /> provisions: <br /> ( Through variance procedures of the Board of Adjustment, as described in S tion 2.10. <br /> (B) Through approval and recordation of a conservation agreement, as pro ded in Article 4 <br /> o hapter 121 of the N.C. General Statutes, between Orange Cou and a land owner <br /> that ohibits development of land in a protected watershed in p etuity, subject to the <br /> followin <br /> (1) A m ification of the required impervious surfac atios may be approved <br /> admini atively but only to the extent that ad ' onal land in the same watershed <br /> is conse or protected from developme . <br /> (2) The land whic ill be subject to a co ervation agreement must be adjacent to <br /> the land propose or developmen nd for which a modification of the <br /> impervious surfacer 'os is sou t. <br /> (a) As an example, a rson owning a 40,000 square foot lot and subject to <br /> a 12% impervio s ace ratio would be limited to 4,800 square feet of <br /> impervious c erage. he person's plans called for 5,500 square feet <br /> of covera (a difference 700 square feet), the recording of a <br /> conse tion easement on 5, 3 square feet of contiguous property <br /> wo satisfy the impervious su ce ratio requirements. (12% of 5,833 <br /> uare feet is 700 square feet.) <br /> (b) The conservation easement shall descri the property restricted in a <br /> manner sufficient to pass title, provide that ' restrictions are covenants <br /> that run with the land and, be approved in for y the County Attorney. <br /> (c) The conservation easement shall, upon recording, a in the place of a <br /> first priority lien on the property(excepting current ad lorem property <br /> taxes)and shall remain so unless, with the approval of nge County, it <br /> is released and terminated. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 4-9 <br />