Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.22: Home Occupations <br /> (1) Permanent on-site StFU .+, ral ster ,wale,-measures stormwater control measures <br /> S( CMs)3must be shown as part of the Stormwater Management Plan and must <br /> accompany the Land-Disturbing Plan submittal. StFU .tUral st r,,,wate. <br /> rneasuresSCMs are to be in accordance with the NG DW4 Department of <br /> Environmental Quality(NCDEQ)4Stormwater BMP 5Design Manual. <br /> (2) All calculations for Nutrient Export (including the nutrient accounting tool), Peak <br /> Run-off Volume, and permanent S+r, GtUral st r,,,water rn esSCMs designed <br /> for Nutrient Removal must be included in the application package. <br /> (3) StFUGt„Fal stormwateF m esSCMs that are designed, constructed and <br /> maintained in accordance with the NC DWQ DEQ Stormwater BMP Design <br /> Manual, approved accounting tool, and requirements listed in Section 6.14 will be <br /> presumed to meet the required performance standards of Section 6.14. <br /> Submittals containing measures not designed to these specifications, may be <br /> approved on a case by case basis provided the applicant provides adequate data <br /> and information showing how the deviations meet the requirements of Section <br /> 6.14. <br /> (C) Plan Approval <br /> The Erosion Control Officer is authorized to approve any Stormwater Management Plan <br /> which is in conformance with the performance standards specified in the NC OW4DEQ <br /> Stormwater RED Design Manual, and other requirements of this Ordinance. <br /> (D) Approved Plan a Prerequisite <br /> The Erosion Control Officer is not authorized to issue any permits for development on <br /> any land that is defined as new development under Section 6.14 of this Ordinance <br /> unless and until a Stormwater Management Plan in compliance with the requirements of <br /> this Ordinance has been approved. <br /> (E) Design of Permanent Nutrient Export Reduction <br /> MeasuresStormwater Control Measures (SCMs) <br /> When a permanent nutrient export reduction StFU tUral ster,,water meas,,.oSCM is <br /> required for new development to meet the requirements of this Ordinance, a North <br /> Carolina registered professional engineer shall prepare the plan with the Engineer's <br /> Certification of Stormwater Management affixed, signed, sealed and dated. <br /> SECTION • OCCUPATIONS <br /> 2.22.1 Applica ' Requirements <br /> (A) An applica i or a Home Occupation Permit shall b with the Planning Director on <br /> forms provided by fanning Department. <br /> (B) Application forms shall be pre d at when completed a full and accurate <br /> description of the proposed u i c its location, appearance, and operational <br /> characteristics are disc <br /> (C) An applicatio r a minor home occupation shall inclu lot plan that adheres to the <br /> requir nts of Sections 2.4.3 and 5.5.3. <br /> (D) n application for a major home occupation shall require a Class B Spe ' Use Permit <br /> and adhere to the requirements of Sections 2.5.3, 2.7, and 5.5.3. <br /> 3 Staff is making a nomenclature change to ensure consistency with State language with respect to the <br /> identification of a stormwater control feature. <br /> 4 Staff is updating references to recent changes in the renaming/rebranding of the NC Division of Water Quality <br /> (DWQ)to Division of Environmental Quality(DEQ). <br /> S The State has eliminated the term 'best management practice' or'BMP'from the official title of the stormwater <br /> design manual. Staff is eliminating references to same within the UDO to ensure consistency. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-69 <br />