Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedu" <br /> Section 2.20: Stream Buffers—Use Authorization Certificate <br /> 2.20.1 se Authorization Certificate <br /> (A) Application Requirements <br /> An application for a Use Authorization Certificate shall be file with the Erosion <br /> Control Officer on forms provided by the Planning Depart nt. <br /> (2) Complete applications shall include the following: <br /> (a The name, address and phone number of a applicant; <br /> (b) The nature of the activity to be conduc d by the applicant; <br /> (c) T location of the activity, includi the jurisdiction; <br /> (d) A map f sufficient detail to ac rately delineate the boundaries of the <br /> land to b utilized in carryin out the activity, the location and dimensions <br /> of any distu ance in npa i n buffers associated with the activity, and the <br /> extent of ripar n buffe on the land; <br /> (e) An explanation of y this plan for the activity cannot be practically <br /> accomplished, r uc d or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to <br /> the riparian b er, pres a aquatic life and habitat and protect water <br /> quality; an <br /> (f) Plans f any best manageme t practices proposed to be used to control <br /> the i pacts associated with the tivity. <br /> (B) Timeframe for view <br /> (1) All re bests shall be reviewed by the Erosion Co rol Officer and either approved <br /> or enied within 60 days of receipt of a complete a lication. <br /> (2) ailure to issue an approval or denial within 60 days sh I constitute that the <br /> applicant has demonstrated "no practical alternatives." <br /> The Erosion Control Officer may attach conditions to the Auth ization Certificate <br /> that support the purpose, spirit and intent of the riparian buffer p tection <br /> program. <br /> C) Disputes <br /> Any disputes over determinations regarding Authorization Certificates shall be refe d to <br /> the Division of Water Quality of the North Carolina Department of Environment and <br /> Natural Resources for a decision. <br /> SECTION • ' <br /> 2.21.1 Stormwater Management Plan <br /> (A) Application Requirements <br /> (1) An application for approval of a Stormwater Management Plan shall be filed with <br /> the Erosion Control Officer on forms provided by the Planning Department. <br /> (B) Plan Requirements <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-68 <br />