Planning Board agenda 010219
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board agenda 010219
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Last modified
5/28/2019 11:51:08 AM
Creation date
12/27/2018 2:00:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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10 <br /> 220 <br /> 221 Lydia Wegman: They are not always effective. It depends on where they are located. <br /> 222 <br /> 223 Craig Benedict: There are standards, but those standards may not meet the standard that people have an <br /> 224 expectation of. We will make the amendment to say we are investigating the Iocational criteria and the advent of <br /> 225 solar facilities in the county when we make the comprehensive plan. This is not going to prompt an amendment to <br /> 226 our LIDO until we do a lot more research. <br /> 227 <br /> 228 MOTION by Hunter Spitzer to approve the Annual Work Plan with the requested amendment to the Work Plan. <br /> 229 Seconded by Kim Piracci. <br /> 230 VOTE: Unanimous <br /> 231 <br /> 232 Craig Benedict: I'll give you a quick update on the Efland-Mebane Access Management Plan. We had that on the <br /> 233 agenda for November 1. The discussion of what an access management plan does and doesn't do was continued as <br /> 234 a clarification for other departments,other advisory boards, the development community,and specifically, the <br /> 235 economic development commission. We met with economic development staff and one or two members of their <br /> 236 economic commission. There are both positives and negatives that can occur with access management plans. I may <br /> 237 ask a member of the planning board to be a representative if we do meet with a few members of another advisory <br /> 238 board to discuss the benefits. <br /> 239 <br /> 240 What we are doing now is when we ask for a road to meet a certain cross section, it's two lanes now. Why are we <br /> 241 saying a two-lane road needs a 100-foot right of way in the future? People might remember Mebane Oaks Road just <br /> 242 10, 15 years ago, as a two-lane road, and now you see what is there. If you didn't ask for the right of way when <br /> 243 development occurred, it would be more problematic. There are a lot of cases here having the ability to get right of <br /> 244 way or directing undeveloped areas to a potential intersection where a traffic light could be located based on NCDOT <br /> 245 criteria is a better thing than allowing multiple drive ways to come out onto these roads to create frontage roads. We <br /> 246 have to create a visual of that, so people can understand what does it mean when this is the preferred access point <br /> 247 that can have a traffic light in the future? What does a frontage road mean? What does a service road mean? The <br /> 248 more problematic elements of it is these connect roads,the dash connector roads,that might go through the middle <br /> 249 of undeveloped properties. What does it mean when the dashed line is on the map? It will be more of an <br /> 250 educational process and to see if there are any pluses or minuses and if there is any hybrid solution as to how it <br /> 251 could occur in the future. Instead of airing it out in a public hearing or if there is community concern,we want to <br /> 252 have pictures of why it works and if there are thoughts of negative impacts of it why is it better to have it than not <br /> 253 have it? <br /> 254 <br /> 255 Lydia Wegman: All right,we are ready to conclude the Planning Board meeting. <br /> 256 <br /> 257 <br /> 258 AGENDA ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 259 MOTION made by Lydia Wegman to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Seconded by Hunter Spitzer. <br /> 260 VOTE: Unanimous <br /> 261 <br /> 262 <br /> 263 <br /> 264 Lydia N. Wegman, Chair <br />
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