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Approved 11/7/2018 <br />Paul Guthrie further explained that there is a total misunderstanding among some of the public <br />of what this plan is and to avoid having the same meeting over and over again, more <br />background needs to be provided. He thinks long term planning is important, but this plan <br />doesn¶t explain what the community will look like in the future. Paul believes a prologue needs to <br />be provided in order to address those concerns. <br />Doug Efland asked if a property owner could adjust or abandon their dedicated right-of-way if a <br />different plan was to come into effect. <br />Nishith Trivedi explained that the lines on the plan are subject to change and that right-of-ways <br />can be abandoned if determined unnecessary in the future. <br />MOTION by Randy Marshall to recommend to the County Commissioners that the Efland- <br />Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan be approved with: <br />the Planning Director¶s recommendation of revisions as mentioned earlier <br />the addition of a prologue as recommended by Paul Guthrie and <br />Hunter Spitzer¶s recommendation to include NCDOT standards and guidebook to show <br />how this plan is going to meet economic development objectives 2.2 and 2.3. <br />Seconded by Adam Beeman <br />VOTE::8-2 <br />Paul Guthrie and Hunter Spitzer voted against. <br />Planning Board Meeting ended by consensus at 8:58 PM <br />Lydia N. Wegman, Chair