Orange County NC Website
II. TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT <br /> A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> 1. Describe proposed use of property: <br /> The properties are currently used as a day cam J retreat center. <br /> Requested special use permit is to allow the expansion of housing <br /> and prog ra mming within the cam p boundaries. <br /> 2. Number of lots: 6 <br /> 3. Number of structures: —37 <br /> 4. Estimated square footage of area to be graded for development <br /> of attached residential units (excluding roads, but including <br /> parking areas) -90-000 sf-site will not be mass graded. Grading will occur as each proposed building is con- <br /> s. Estimated square footage of area to be graded for non- <br /> residential use (excluding roads) 90,000 sf <br /> 6. Estimated area to be graded for roads N/A <br /> 7. Road Type: Public Private <br /> Class A <br /> Class B <br /> Total road length <br /> 8. Hours of operation for commercial ❑r industrial use: <br /> 45 <br />