Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY ARTS COMMISSION <br />Saturday, July 14, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. <br />Link Government Services Building <br />200 S. Cameron Street <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Board Members present: Tim Hoke, Chair, Chris Kubica, Vice Chair; Doris Friend, Secretary; Dan Mayer, <br />Ashley Nissler, Marlon Torres, , Helen Jones, Delia Keefe, Linda Williamson, Fred Joiner <br />Board Members absent: Marcela Slade, Anita Mills, Bronwyn Merritt, Tarish Pipkins, Tinka Jordy <br />Staff Present: Katie Murray, Executive Director <br />I.Tim called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. <br />II.Ashley moved, Dan seconded to approve the June 11th minutes. Motion passed. <br />III.Director’s Report <br />•Katie attended the America for the Arts conference in Denver. <br />•Katie will be setting up sub-committee meetings within the next two weeks. <br />•Katie and Doris conducted 5 intern interviews this week. Molly Weybright has been <br />selected and will start on Monday, July 23rd. <br />•For future consideration: Katie would like to add a student (UNC) liaison position to <br />the board. <br />•Plans for October 19-21 Paint It Orange plein air event with HAC are underway. <br />Please start thinking about businesses you can approach for sponsorships. <br />IV.Liaison Reports <br />o Tim <br />Travel NC did a presentation at the Visitors Bureau meeting. Tim <br />encouraged board members to take short videos when attending events. <br />o Doris <br />Doris is serving on the OCAC/HAC plein air committee. <br />o Dan <br />Summer camps are going strong. New website will launch on Monday. <br />TAC is working with three consultants re the capital campaign and plans <br />for the new building. <br />Tim adjourned the business portion of the meeting at 9:15. The board worked for the remainder of the <br />day on the annual grants review. <br />Respectfully submitted, Doris Friend, OCAC Secretary