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IV. Discussion of UNC Capstone Project Findings <br />• Katie presented a summary of the recommendations from the report. <br />Opportunities for tax increases from local governments are limited. More <br />opportunities may be available in public-private partnerships. This may require a <br />different configuration of the OCAC’s structure. <br /> <br />V. Discussion of Future Initiatives for FY 18-19 <br />• Katie presented four initiatives for exploration: <br />o Services for Arts Providers <br />o Promotion <br />o Funding <br />o Advocacy <br />• From this, committees were formed with each board member agreeing to serve on <br />at least one committee. <br /> <br />VI. Liaison Reports <br />o Katie (for Tim Hoke) <br />The Chapel Hill Visitors Bureau continues to discuss the economic impact of <br />Air BnBs. <br />o Doris <br />The Hillsborough Arts Council continues to work on implementation of <br />various strategic plan goals. <br />o Dan <br />o The Art Center’s Annual Gala was very successful. Thanks to fellow <br />board members who attended. <br />o TAC’s Summer Program is in place. Dan distributed program brochure. <br />o Arts Center will partner with Odyssey Theater to reinstate the 10 x 10 <br />production. Performances will be held at TAC and in Cary. <br />o The Women’s Playwrights Festival is scheduled for August. This a <br />Triangle-wide event. <br />o The Carrboro Arts Committee has agreed to implement their recently <br />approved public art policy to resolve issues surrounding painting of the <br />crosswalks at the Farmer’s Market and Weaver Street Grocery. <br />o Anita <br />o Katie presented the State of the Arts to the Orange County Artists’ Guild <br />Member meeting. It was very well received. <br />o OCAG is hosting “Spring Sublime” pop-up show at FRANK’s Outreach <br />Gallery at University Place. <br />Chris adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, Doris Friend, OCAC Secretary