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o Form was distributed to ASAB members <br />o Discussed the appeals process for these determinations, including who should <br />hear appeals and whether there is even a need for formal review <br />o Discussed the possibility of sharing information with area animal shelters <br />o Agreed to discuss these matters further at the next ASAB meeting after Bob <br />Marotto consults with county attorney Anne-Marie Tesco <br /> <br />New Business <br /> 2019 ASAB Progress Report and Work Plan: <br />o Previous reports were distributed to ASAB members <br />o Agreed that Bob Marotto will propose a draft, then bring for approval/preliminary <br />approval to November meeting. <br /> Legislative items: <br />o BOCC approved ASAB’s recommendation that the dangerous-dog amendment be <br />included in NCACC’s legislative agenda <br />o Discussed the need to bring statute into conformity with the Unified Animal <br />Ordinance with respect to muzzling <br /> Agreed that ASAB members will propose language at the next meeting for <br />discussion by ASAB, for possible proposal to BOCC later <br /> <br />Adjournment and next meeting: <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. The next meeting is November 21, 2018, at 6:30 <br />p.m., Orange County Animal Services Center. <br /> <br />Minutes taken: Amanda Schwoerke <br /> <br /> <br />