2018-721 OPT - NCDOT FY 19 CTP 5311 grant agreement
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2018-721 OPT - NCDOT FY 19 CTP 5311 grant agreement
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12/21/2018 4:40:54 PM
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R 2018-721 OPT - FY19 NCDOT CTP section 5307 grant funds
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a . Use of Project Property . The Subrecipient agrees to maintain continuing control of <br /> the use of Project property . The Subrecipient agrees to use Project property for <br /> appropriate Project purposes (which may include joint development purposes that <br /> generate program income ) both during and after the award period and used to <br /> support public transportation activities) for the duration of the useful life of that <br /> property , as required by FTA or the Department . Should the Subrecipient <br /> unreasonably delay or fail to use Project property during the useful life of that <br /> property , the Subrecipient agrees that it may be required to return the entire <br /> amount of the Federal and State assistance expended on that property . The <br /> Subrecipient further agrees to notify the Department immediately when any Project ' <br /> property is withdrawn from Project use or when any Project property is used in a <br /> manner substantially different from the representations the Subrecipient has made <br /> in its Application or in the Project Description for this Agreement for the Project . In <br /> turn , the Department shall be responsible for notifying FTA . I <br /> b . Maintenance and Inspection of Vehicles . The Subrecipient shall maintain vehicles j <br /> at a high level of cleanliness , safety , and mechanical soundness in accordance <br /> with the minimum maintenance requirements recommended by the manufacturer <br /> and comply with the Department' s State Management Plan ( " SMP ") . The <br /> Subrecipient shall register all vehicle maintenance activities into the Department ' s <br /> Asset Management System (AssetWorks ) or an electronic version of same . The <br /> Department shall conduct frequent inspections to confirm proper maintenance j <br /> pursuant to this subsection and the SMP . The Subrecipient shall collect and submit <br /> to the Department at such time and in such manner as it may require information <br /> for the purpose of the Department' s Asset Management System (AssetWorks ) and j <br /> the Transit Asset Maintenance ( " TAM " ) Plan . <br /> c . Maintenance and Inspection of Facilities and Equipment . The Subrecipient shall <br /> maintain any Project facility , including any and all equipment installed into or added <br /> on to the facility as part of the Project , in good operating order and at a high level <br /> of cleanliness , safety and mechanical soundness in accordance with good facility <br /> maintenance and upkeep practices and in accordance with the minimum <br /> maintenance requirements recommended by the manufacturer for all equipment <br /> installed in or added to the facility as part of the Project . Such maintenance shall <br /> be in compliance with applicable Federal and state regulations or directives that <br /> may be issued , except to the extent that the Department determines otherwise in <br /> writing . The Subrecipient shall document its maintenance program in a written <br /> plan . The Department shall conduct inspections as it deems necessary to confirm <br /> proper maintenance on the part of the Subrecipient pursuant to this subsection <br /> and SMP . Such inspections may or may not be scheduled ahead of time but will <br /> be conducted such that they shall not significantly interfere with the ongoing and <br /> necessary functions for which the Project was designed . The Subrecipient shall <br /> make every effort to accommodate such inspections by the Department in <br /> accordance with the Department' s desired schedule for such inspections . <br /> d . The Subrecipient shall collect and submit to the Department at such time and in <br /> such manner as the Department may require information for the purpose of <br /> NCDOT PTD Federal Agreement Page 10 of 23 <br /> Revised 6/28 /2018 <br />
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