Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: D6EB45D6-6C12-4C2B-895B-067AF17D828F <br /> 5.1.2. Integrity Audits.To ensure compliance of this Agreement and the protection of <br /> Sensitive Data, UWGT Enterprise Administrator or appointed staff reserve the right to <br /> make unannounced visits to UWGT or Orange County FSA members for the purposes of <br /> inspecting computer equipment and reviewing the security arrangements that the Site <br /> Managers are maintaining with respect to Sensitive Information. UWGT staff and <br /> Orange County FSA Managers will fully and promptly cooperate with the UWGT <br /> Enterprise Administrator or appointed staff, and will assist them in completing those <br /> inspections. <br /> 5.2. UWGT or Orange County FSA may temporarily suspend, block, or restrict access to Sensitive <br /> Information when it reasonably appears necessary to do so to protect the integrity, security, or <br /> functionality of Sensitive Data or to protect the organization from liability. <br /> 5.3. Statutory Breaches. If at any time a UWGT and Orange County FSA staff member <br /> determines that there has been a breach of the security protocols or violation of this Agreement <br /> (including, but not limited to any unauthorized release, access use, or modifications of covered <br /> data),the staff shall promptly take such reasonable steps as are necessary to prevent any future <br /> similar breaches and promptly notify the UWGT Enterprise Administrator and the Site Managers <br /> of the breach.The UWGT and Orange County FSA Site Managers and/or Program Managers will <br /> identify the steps taken to prevent any future similar breaches and report to the UWGT <br /> Enterprise Administrator within 24 hours of their discovery. <br /> 5.4. Reported Violations.The Orange County FSA Site Manager will issue a report identifying <br /> any privacy and security breaches on covered data by a staff member of UWGT or Orange <br /> County FSA.The organization where the breach occurred will have three (3) business days to <br /> comply and put in place corrective measures to prevent any future similar breaches. Failure to <br /> comply within this time frame will result in temporary or permanent termination of access to <br /> covered data and possibly termination of this Agreement. <br /> 5.4.1. Following a breach of sensitive information, affected individuals must be notified <br /> of the breach. These individual notifications must be provided without unreasonable <br /> delay and in no case later than 60 days following the discovery of a breach and must <br /> include,to the extent possible, a brief description of the breach, a description of the <br /> types of information that were involved in the breach,the steps affected individuals <br /> should take to protect themselves from potential harm, a brief description of what <br /> UWGT is doing to investigate the breach, mitigate the harm, and prevent further <br /> breaches, as well as contact information for UWGT and Orange County FSA. <br /> 6. Disposition of Data at Termination of Agreement. In the event of the termination of the Master <br /> Data-Sharing Agreement between UWGT and Orange County FSA or otherwise specified in the <br /> Master Data-Sharing Agreement, UWGT shall: <br /> i. Provide a complete copy of the Master Data Set to Orange County FSA <br /> ii. Provide appropriate subsets of Master Data Set to data-contributing organizations, <br /> including those currently and/or previously involved with Orange County FSA <br /> 15 <br />