Orange County NC Website
As noted in the IES response and the Scope of Work, two groups are <br />proposed to work with the consultant to provide direction and ensure <br />public participation. This would include the Joint Staff Work Group, <br />either as it currently exists or augmented with other representatives, <br />and an Air Quality Advisory Group, which would be appointed to <br />include elected officials, citizens and other stakeholders. More <br />information on the potential makeup of this group would be included in <br />the MOA, which would be presented at the follow -up meetings. <br />Please feel free to contact any of the staff members in this effort if you <br />have any questions. <br />Chris Berndt (968 -2728, <br />David Bonk (968 -2728, <br />Phil Hervey (968 -2728, phervey(n) <br />Karen Lincoln (245 -2594, klincoln(oco. orange. <br />Tina Moon, (932 -1073, cmoon0) <br />Noah Ranells (918 -7324, <br />Cindy Shea (843 -5251, Cynthia .shea( <br />David Stancil (245 -2590, <br />* Trish McGuire is currently on maternity leave <br />