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project. (The submittal from ICLEI is provided as Attachment 3). It <br />was the opinion of the staff work group that IES had a substantial <br />edge in familiarity and experience in producing inventories and action <br />plans of this type. Staff was also cognizant of the advantage held by a <br />research group affiliated with ICLEI itself, but felt that the capabilities <br />of this firm outweighed any advantages gained by affiliation and <br />familiarity with ICLEI. <br />Funding for the project would come in part from monies appropriated <br />by the Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro MPO, and the three jurisdictions. <br />A draft Memorandum of Agreement between the three parties is being <br />drafted to outline roles and responsibilities and financial shares. The <br />estimated total cost of the project would be $40- 45,000. The draft <br />MOA assumes that the previously -used population based formula for <br />joint Chapel Hill - Carrboro- Orange County planning projects would be <br />applied here. In this formula, Orange County and Chapel Hill would <br />contribute 43% of the remaining costs, with 14% from Carrboro. <br />Excluding the MPO funds (approximately $8,000), County and Chapel <br />Hill portions are currently estimated at approximately $15- 16,000, <br />with Carrboro's portion $5,000 (note - these figures are estimates <br />only). <br />Next Steps <br />No action is being requested at this time - this item is simply an <br />opportunity to present the findings of the Joint Staff Work Group to the <br />elected boards at the same time and assess whether the boards are <br />ready to move forward. If the boards are ready, staffs would prepare a <br />subsequent agenda item for each board, including the MOA and <br />recommendation, and ask the County Commissioners, Board of <br />Aldermen and Town Council to consider the award of the contract to <br />ICLEI Energy Services (IES). <br />Based on the scope of work and the preliminary proposal submitted by <br />IES, the duration of the project is expected to be 4 to 6 months. There <br />are seven projected phases to the project, all of which are subject to <br />further refinement as desired: <br />• Project Startup <br />• Data and Information - Gathering <br />• Receive /Vet Data and Information <br />• Identify and Model Future Measures <br />• Develop Model GHG Reduction Target <br />• Report Preparation <br />• Presentation of Final Report and Project Completion <br />