Orange County NC Website
The workgroup is currently developing criteria based on "Smart Growth" concepts that should <br />become a prerequisite to the school board's typical school siting criteria. The criteria will also <br />assist the local governments with their procedures regarding school siting issues. Some of the <br />potential criteria under consideration will be discussed at the meeting by Craig Benedict, <br />Orange County's Planning Director. <br />No Attachments <br />5. Update on Orange County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and Transfer of <br />Development Rights Activities <br />Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element — Orange County Planning Staff has completed <br />community outreach meetings in the County's seven townships to receive public input on Staffs <br />recommendations for the Update. Staffs recommendations focus on air and water quality <br />issues and techniques to protect these valuable resources. Orange County Planning Staff will <br />provide a brief update on recent activities related to the Land Use Element Update including: <br />• Completion of "Report on Public Outreach Process" and its availability; <br />• Orange County/Town of Hillsborough Urban Transition Area Task Force; <br />• Efland /Mebane Small Area Plan; and <br />• Next steps. <br />Transfer of Development Rights — At the request of the Board of County Commissioners, <br />Orange County Planning Staff has developed requests for qualifications (RFQs) to provide <br />professional planning services for an Orange County Transfer of Development Rights program. <br />The RFQs were posted on the national and North Carolina Chapter American Planning <br />Association websites. Five responses were received by the August 13th deadline. A working <br />group of County Department heads is presently interviewing the top three consulting groups and <br />may make a recommendation to the BOCC to negotiate a specific scope of services with one, <br />some, or none of the respondents later this fall. <br />No Attachments <br />6. Potential Reports (limited or no presentations) <br />a. Unfunded Mandates (Orange County) <br />During preparation and discussion of Orange County's 2004 -05 operating budget and 2004 -14 <br />Capital Investment Plan, it was repeatedly noted that the County's fiscal outlook is more <br />frequently and more substantively being affected by factors beyond the County's control, <br />including a marked increase in unfunded mandates. In response to the BOCC's request, <br />County staff have compiled a list of impacts related to unfunded mandates and <br />intergovernmental budget reductions that have affected the County's financial picture. <br />Attachment 6 — Orange County Summary of Funding Cuts and New Mandates <br />