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Five proposals were received and reviewed by the Work Group, and after evaluation and follow - <br />up questions, the joint staff work group recommends ICLEI Energy Services of Toronto as the <br />consultant for the project. Funding for the project would come in part from monies appropriated <br />by the Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro MPO, and the three jurisdictions. A draft Memorandum of <br />Agreement between the three parties is being drafted to outline roles and responsibilities and <br />financial shares. The estimated total cost of the project would be $40- 45,000. Using a <br />previously -used population based formula for joint Chapel Hill - Carrboro- Orange County projects <br />of this type, Orange County and Chapel Hill would contribute 43% of the remaining costs, with <br />14% from Carrboro. Excluding the MPO funds (approximately $8,000), County and Chapel Hill <br />portions are estimated at approximately $15- 16,000, with Carrboro's portion around $5,000. <br />Staff proposes to provide an update tonight on the project, including the recommendation, and <br />ask the County, Carrboro and Chapel Hill elected boards to consider in subsequent individual <br />meetings the award of the contract to ICLEI Energy Services, <br />Attachment 2 — 9129104 Memorandum (with three attachments) to Managers from <br />Greenhouse Gas Emissions Joint Staff Work Group <br />3. Morclan & Little Creeks Local Watershed Planning Initiative <br />In October 2002, the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), formerly North <br />Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program, initiated the Morgan & Little Creeks Local Watershed <br />Planning Initiative, Since that time, a group of stakeholders has been meeting with EEP to <br />discuss and plan potential wetland, stream and riparian buffer restoration efforts in the area, as <br />well as stormwater and land use management strategies for the jurisdictions of the watershed <br />(Orange County, Carrboro and Chapel Hill), Through EEP funding, the stakeholders contracted <br />with TetraTech, an environmental consulting firm, to draft a "Targeting of Management" report. <br />This report is meant to be a guide for stakeholders to use in prioritizing stream restoration sites, <br />BMP retrofits /up fits, and critical land preservation targets in the high priority sub - watersheds of <br />the local watershed planning area. In addition, the report offers recommendations for how each <br />jurisdiction can improve their land use /stormwater ordinances to continue to stay ahead of the <br />curve in improving stormwater quality, <br />The group held the final meeting of the initial planning stage on September 8, 2004, and would <br />like to report its findings to the elected boards, before a proposed implementation process is <br />pursued. Deborah Amaral from EEP will provide a brief presentation of the group's report. <br />Attachment 3 — EEP Morgan & Little Creeks Local Watershed Plan Summary <br />4. Identification of School Site Locations with Towns <br />Prompted by a proposal from BOCC Chair Barry Jacobs entitled 'Planning for Schools in the <br />21St Century,' Orange County's Planning Department has begun coordination of an informal <br />"Smart Growth and Schools" staff workgroup. This workgroup is working on formalizing a <br />process for new school site selection that will better integrate land use issues and school siting <br />with the principles of "Smart Growth," The committee is comprised of the Planning Directors of <br />Orange County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough, the Superintendent of Orange County <br />Schools (OCS), and a representative of the Chapel Hill — Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) <br />Superintendent's office, <br />