Orange County NC Website
e. High School #3 (CHCCS Major Issue) <br />Superintendent Neil Pedersen indicated that the major issue for the joint meeting for the <br />Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools is High School #3 and to share the cost projections with the <br />Commissioners. <br />Attachment 'l e -1 9123104 CHCCS Superintendent Memo re: High School #3 Update <br />Attachment 1e -2 9101104 Education Week Article: Costs Climb on Materials for <br />Schools <br />Attachment 1e -3 Architect Spreadsheets: Budget and Cost Reduction Options <br />Attachment 1e -4 Architect Spreadsheets. Building and Site Reductions <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact tied directly to the discussion at this <br />meeting. However, decisions that the school boards and BOCC will make at subsequent <br />meetings are likely to have significant implications for future capital and operating budgets. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the boards discuss the issues <br />noted and provide direction to staff, as appropriate. <br />