Orange County NC Website
Prepared: 09/16/04 <br />• All irrigation systems have rainfall - monitoring units that reduce over <br />watering of fields and comply with new OWASA guidelines for <br />irrigation. <br />• Gray water reuse at Smith and Rashkis uses rainwater collected <br />from the roof to irrigate fields, landscaping and to flush toilets. <br />Water savings for the past year were 700,000 + gallons. <br />• Both Smith and Rashkis are outfitted with photovoltaic units to <br />provide for nighttime lighting or to provide electricity to the grid. <br />• Solar hot water collectors are used at several schools to preheat <br />water thus reducing natural gas demands. <br />Budget Reallocations <br />• Reduced teacher assistant contracts by two days to generate a <br />savings of $87,096. Funds were used to offset impact of state <br />budget reductions. <br />• Reduced Central Office administrative supplies and travel budgets <br />by $50,000 to offset impact of state budget reductions. <br />• Reduced the Board of Education's contingency fund by $83,274 for <br />unfunded budget priorities. <br />• Reduced substitute teacher budget by $50,000 for unfunded budget <br />priorities. Procedural improvements in the payroll assignment of <br />substitute teachers will generate the savings. <br />Potential Additional Areas for efficiency improvements. <br />• .Joint Food Service Contracts. <br />• Joint maintenance /software enhancement agreements with financial <br />software vendor (Both districts use Isis Software) <br />• Bid Audit Services Jointly. <br />• Combine contracts for copier services. <br />• Banking services <br />