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16 <br />4. Bolin Creek Corridor <br />a. Additional information on this new proposed item <br />The concept of working with Chapel Hill, Carrboro and UNC on the acquisition of <br />important lands in the Bolin Creek Corridor was first identified in the 2001 -2011 Long - <br />Tern: Strategies plan. The 2003 report "The Adams Tract and Bolin Creek <br />Corridor... Toward a Possible Corridor Master Plan " also notes the potential for <br />coordinated preservation efforts. The Lands Legacy Action Plan draft is usually the place <br />where new acquisition priorities are presented and discussed, hence its inclusion in the <br />draft discussed at the August .31 worksession. This is a new concept for the Board's <br />consideration and can be included for the next two years or deleted as the Board sees ft. <br />5. Halls Mill Historic Area <br />a. Is this the only historic /cultural project through 2006? <br />(Other issues for a different time — management of buildings acquired, caretakers) <br />It is the only new specific priority, for historic /cultural sites (the Faucette Mill area work <br />is ongoing and was not listed in the August 31 draft — it is in the revised version dated <br />Sept. 1), although there have been several occasions in previous years when other <br />acquisitions have also accomplished historic1cultural goals, such a the Blackwood farm <br />and the Cate farmstead. There may also be other sites of significance that would be <br />acquired through other Lands Legacy components (parklands, etc).. <br />6. Lands Legacy Priority Items Table <br />a. Should these be prioritized? <br />b. Re- format to identify new projects from multi -year or carry - forward projects <br />The question of whether to internally prioritize the itenu.s listed in the Action Plan table <br />has been discussed by staff for a few years now, Our inclination has been not to do so, as <br />it is difficult to compare and contrast different (and sometimes competing) <br />objectives... although such a dilenuna was anticipated in the Lands Legacy Program <br />document adopted in April 2000, and several criteria were offered as ways to assess <br />competing priorities. At this time, the table that is provided includes the priority projects <br />in random order, not ranked If the Board prefers, staff could assess priorities within the <br />priorities using the 2000 criteria after adoption of the Action Plan. <br />University —owned Natural Areas <br />a. Duke to announce on October 14 the registering of natural areas within Duke <br />Forest with the N.C. Natural Heritage Program <br />b. BOCC representatives should meet with Chancellor Moeser or representative <br />to discuss issues of mutual interest — including protecting natural areas within <br />UNC lands <br />Because UNC owns significant portions of Natun al Areas ill Orange County (Mason <br />Farm area, within Bolin Creek corridor, and around University Lake), a meeting with <br />UNC representatives akin to those held with Duke would be helpful to coordinating <br />fixture preservation activities. <br />